Why can't I stop paying the alimony

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I divorced my wife of 30 yrs in February 2002. I was order to pay $1100 month alimony. She moved out of state in 2004 and has had 5 addresses since divorce but always using a cell phone # with fla area code. I've never missed a payment in all these years. Early this year I got a couple strange calls stating they had info that my x wife had been cohabitating with the same gent since 2005. I obtained the name and such and hired a private investigator to verify the info and get phone affidavits from 2 of her x landlords, to make a long story short...My attorney has had all this info and proof since Late March this year, hasn't filed the motion yet, she is backlogged with cases I guess. But my question is ....Why can't I stop the alimony in the mean time before the motiion is filed, the x has (in a sense) stolen over $70,000 in alimony by living with a male. I can't even file for my retirement because I mayi not be able to retire if I still have to pay. Can you advise me on this situation please.. And Thanks
Because you cannot arbitrarily stop paying court-ordered support.

There's no guarantee that the alimony would even be stopped - much depends on the wording of your decree.
You have an attorney.

You are paying your attorney good money to represent you.

You should submit all your questions about your divorce and alimony to your attorney in person or in writing (by letter).

Your attorney will address your questions all in due course.

Your attorney is familiar with your situation.

Always communicate with and trust your attorney.

Always be patient.

Good things come to those who wait.

I divorced my wife of 30 yrs in February 2002. I was order to pay $1100 month alimony. She moved out of state in 2004 and has had 5 addresses since divorce but always using a cell phone # with fla area code. I've never missed a payment in all these years. Early this year I got a couple strange calls stating they had info that my x wife had been cohabitating with the same gent since 2005. I obtained the name and such and hired a private investigator to verify the info and get phone affidavits from 2 of her x landlords, to make a long story short...My attorney has had all this info and proof since Late March this year, hasn't filed the motion yet, she is backlogged with cases I guess. But my question is ....Why can't I stop the alimony in the mean time before the motiion is filed, the x has (in a sense) stolen over $70,000 in alimony by living with a male. I can't even file for my retirement because I mayi not be able to retire if I still have to pay. Can you advise me on this situation please.. And Thanks
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