Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Why can't I view evidence in my case before accepting offer from DA?

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New Member
Situation in Alabama:
Two charges of distribution and the DA has offered my lawyer a deal before the evidence has been brought to the court or shared with me. I've been asked to plea guilty to two charges of possession of pot. I wasn't arrested with anything in my possession. I've passed every drug test since the week after my arrest. My habit was as a social smoker who never sold anything. I've been with people who bought weed and purchased it in small amounts with friends. The officer tells my lawyer he has me on tape once and audio with a CI. I'm completely clueless to this whole deal.

I've been offered pretrial intervention program ( PTI ) for several years and thousands of dollars in fines/fees. The offer isn't perfect but would keep this from going to court. I feel like something is missing and don't feel like my lawyer is giving my all the options or explaining my rights & interests.

Don't I have a right to view the evidence for charges brought against me?
Can I accept the offer and still view the evidence?
Why does the officer involved not show up for the prelim hearing?

This feels like a high pressure sale and my lawyer tells me to take the deal and not to worry about the evidence. I want to trust the lawyer but can anyone else relate? Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
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Thanks MightyMoose.
Easier said than done. What about the money I gave him upfront? I dumped my savings into this and I'm afraid he won't reimburse any of it. So I don't want to anger him by asking how much I'd get back or implying I'd leave. Rock (me) Hard Place
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