Wife paying alimony

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When my ex and I divorced, I foolishly agreed to pay him alimony for 3 years to cover the cost of his COBRA ($350/mo). The divorce decree states that the payments can stop if he obtains health insurance through another source. It was the second marriage for both of us and there are no children involved in this marriage.
I left Indiana (the state where the divorce was granted) to move to Texas to be closer to my grandchildren in early 2006. I know that I am ordered to pay the support, however what are the consequences if I chose to stop paying? He will be 60 next year and I know he will not look for insurance until he is forced to do so. I do know he makes enough money to find his own insurance and pay for it. My thought is that if I do not pay it for a couple of months, he will have to either pay it or find another option. And I also do not think he would go to court to have the order enforced. He did not get an attorney for our divorce but chose instead to let my attorney handle all the paperwork.
I know this is an emotional issue for me.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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If you stop paying then you are violating the court order and you could be held in contempt.

If you wish to stop paying, then you need to see an attorney and file to stop paying the alimony.
If you stop paying then you are violating the court order and you could be held in contempt.

If you wish to stop paying, then you need to see an attorney and file to stop paying the alimony.

I understand this, however, does he not have to file a contempt charge before I am held in contempt? In other words, I can only be found in contemp if he choses to make an issue of it. I do not think he would do that. He needs to refinance the condo I co-signed for him and if he files contempt charges then I would file to make sure he does that... He does not have the ability to get refinancing at this point.

Q: Does he not have to file a contempt charge before I am held in contempt?

A: Yes.

In other words, I can only be found in contemp if he choses to make an issue of it. I do not think he would do that. He needs to refinance the condo I co-signed for him and if he files contempt charges then I would file to make sure he does that... He does not have the ability to get refinancing at this point.

Good luck.

But I don't think anyone here is going to bless your contempt.
I can only laugh...I do not expect anyone to "bless" my contempt. Just offer me an opinion.

Ah, the messes we get ourselves in, yes?

I will think about my options. Right now, I am current on my alimony and he gets a check faithfully every month...much to my chagrin.

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