Will and forgery of quick claim deed


New Member
Father died leaving will to my mother my mother passed away 8 years ago my father's will left everything to my brother and I my sister did a quit claim deed without me knowing anything about it Quick Claim Deed was made by my sister and my brother what can I do about this and then she changed it about a week ago and gave it to him what can I do about this my name is on my dad's will my mom has no will in court
Sorry, but your post is incomprehensible. Please read it again and have somebody else read it and help you rewrite it so it makes sense.
Father died leaving will to my mother my mother passed away 8 years ago my father's will left everything to my brother and I my sister did a quit claim deed without me knowing anything about it Quick Claim Deed was made by my sister and my brother what can I do about this and then she changed it about a week ago and gave it to him what can I do about this my name is on my dad's will my mom has no will in court

Eight long, sad years after the untimely death of your mother, sorry, nothing you can do legally to reverse any wrongs, assuming you could prove anything was wrong in the first place.

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