Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Will I Be Arrested For Soliciting Sex, If No Money Was Involved?

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Okay, this is pretty embarrassing, but I'll be honest. I was meeting a girl online for some fun. Now, I don't ever pay for sex, but I always ask if they're involved with law enforcement just to be safe. She said no, and I went to a motel to meet up. A police officer approached my car and made me get out, checked my phone, called in my ID and license plate to run a background check on me, and when it turned out I didn't have any criminal history, he let me go.

Now, as relieved as I am that I wasn't arrested on the spot, he did mentioned that he "can't promise I won't get any papers in the mail." Should I be worried I'm going to get charged and have to go to court? Like I said, no money was ever discussed and I had to intention of paying if it was brought up, but I'm still having massive anxiety of it. Especially since I could be served months from now.

I want to believe the cop just said get the hell out of here and we're done, but I'm truthfully scared. Even though I wasn't there to have sex for money at all, and the text conversation we had can back that up, I'm still scared I'm gonna have to hire a lawyer and defend myself. I need help, and I need it fast, because my anxiety is preventing me from sleeping or eating for the last two days (this only occurred two days ago).

Please help! And anything you want me to clarify, please ask. Ugh, I am DONE meeting anyone online.
But as I stated, an officer already approached me. This may help if I go to trial but my question is whether or not that's even going to happen.
But as I stated, an officer already approached me. This may help if I go to trial but my question is whether or not that's even going to happen.

How would a poor, uneducated idiot, illiterate like ME, living in the tool shed on my mother's broken down ranch in Texas know what the cops in some state I done never been too, will do to or with you?

By the way, I can't spell, read, write, or type.

I just talk into this thingy and it types what I done said.

Hell, mate, I'm so broke I can't buy myself dinner tonight.

Sorry, life's tough all over these days.
So basically, the warning could be just that or maybe I could be served? there's simply no predicting what will happen?
So basically, the warning could be just that or maybe I could be served? there's simply no predicting what will happen?
Yep, exactly.
Keep in mind that the video you were directed to before doesn't apply only if you "go to trial" - it applies immediately. Period. Yes, even if.
Now, I don't ever pay for sex, but I always ask if they're involved with law enforcement just to be safe.

There is an urban myth that says if you ask an undercover cop if he/she is a cop that the cop must tell the truth and reveal he/she is a cop. Don't fall for that myth. Undercover cops are allowed to lie to you to play the undercover role the cop is acting out. Heck, even a uniformed cop can lie to you about a lot of things during an investigation. All perfectly legal. So don't let your guard down and believe what some stranger you meet online or anywhere else tells you. And when being questioned by someone you know to be a cop, don't believe any of the assurances or anything else they tell you to try to get you to talk. Invoke your right to remain silent and talk only to your lawyer.
Based on the information I've provided, do you believe I'll even be charged with anything? I feel like I should've been arrested on the spot if they were serious. Why delay it? Genuinely curious.
The agreement was to meet up but absolutely NO compensation was ever brought up or discussed so was what I was doing still considered solicitation?
NOBODY can predict with any certainty whether or not anything further will become of the matter.

EDIT: Nobody on this forum. Of course, the relevant law-enforcement folks would be able to make a better prediction than we would.
I've seen threads like this on other occasions. The poster asks a similar question. As responses come in the poster becomes a troll, asking almost the same questions repeatedly. Responders continually get sucked in exactly as is happening now and it goes on and on and on.

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