Animal Injury, Dog Bite Willful Negligence

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I stayed with a former friend who had 8 dogs & cats. The sanitary conditions of her house where deplorable. I am certified in vet assisting. Upon my first week there, I noticed one of her dogs to exhibit symptoms of mange(scabies). I advised her to take him to a vet but she refused saying it was just a rash and that a vet visit would be too expensive. A couple weeks into my stay I started developing this same "rash" all over my body, and assumed it to be a severe case of acne. My mother asked this same woman to cut her dog's hair and soon after, he too developed a severe case of mange. I notified my friend that the rash had to be dog scabies and that it spread to my mother and was likely what was spreading on my body. She acknowledged that her dogs DID have something but refused to take her dogs to get help and instead chose to dip them in burnt motor oil to kill the mites. I QUICKLY MOVED OUT and left her various big ticket items of mine as payment for my stay there since she wouldnt accept my money.

After taking our dogs to our vet it was confirmed that they all had a sever case of sarcopic mange. My mother and sister spent over $1000 in pest control and ended up giving away their dogs to prevent reinfection of their body and homes. I also gave up a puppy and went to the doctor and was diagnosed with several zoonotic skin diseases including dog mites and secondary bacterial infections that took 8 months to overcome since I was constantly being reinfected in my 3 month stay there. Our total bill for getting rid of this problem came to approx $3000. We are poised to take this woman to small claims for compensation of our bills. My evidence includes photos of all her dogs, photos of our dogs, before and after photos of my skin, diagnoses from the veterinarian, diagnoses from doctors, and text message transcripts of her admitting to the problem.

Most of my evidence is circumstantial as I could not force her to take her dogs to a vet, nor could I abduct them and do it for her. She waited until months after I left after drenching her dogs in motor oil when she finally took them to a vet. The vet cleared them of any skin problems of course because she took the time to finally treat them before taking them in. Im expecting her to have friends come and lie about her dogs welfare but I also have witnesses who will testify to seeing the entire ordeal unfold.

Im pretty confident in my organization of facts in this case, but does my evidence carry enough weight to meet my burden? Thanks
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My advice, don't waste your time.
You willingly stayed there, after discovering the problem.
You also purport to be a "vet tech".
You aren't a "vet", but you're savvy enough to know better.

Your mother even allowed this dirtbag to groom her dog, after you had been infected.

For your own sake, forget this itchy business.

You'll not only make a fool of yourself in court, the dirtbag will do it, too!

One last thing, this dirtbag is broke.
She was so broke, that she couldn't take her ailing dogs to a "vet".
If you were to win, how would this BROKE dirtbag pay you?

You've learned an itchy lesson, hopefully.
Now, just move on, or you'll only scratch your way out of court.
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Thank you for the advice, LOL and the clever puns. I am a vet ASSISTANT, and do not have the training of a vet tech or veterinarian and cannot make adequate judgment decisions alone, which is why I advised her to see a veterinarian. I had my suspicions but wasnt sure that my infection was from her dogs until my mothers dog came down with the same thing. Thats when I moved out. I had assumed it to be acne since she claimed this dog had only a rash, which CAN present similar visual symptoms. She is not so broke that she cannot pay. She often took trips to see various celebrities in other states while I was there. She has money. And this same person has sued other individuals in large sums for doing personal injury to HER. She is not a "well liked" person lets just say.

I have indeed learned a HUGE lesson. And my intentions are not for vengeance or vindication. It all comes down to these bills. Which is a very large sum. My pain and suffering was tremendous. Anyone would agree that the sensation or knowledge of having bugs crawling in their skin is not at all pleasant to cope with.
Thank you for the advice, LOL and the clever puns. I am a vet ASSISTANT, and do not have the training of a vet tech or veterinarian and cannot make adequate judgment decisions alone, which is why I advised her to see a veterinarian. I had my suspicions but wasnt sure that my infection was from her dogs until my mothers dog came down with the same thing. Thats when I moved out. I had assumed it to be acne since she claimed this dog had only a rash, which CAN present similar visual symptoms. She is not so broke that she cannot pay. She often took trips to see various celebrities in other states while I was there. She has money. And this same person has sued other individuals in large sums for doing personal injury to HER. She is not a "well liked" person lets just say.

I have indeed learned a HUGE lesson. And my intentions are not for vengeance or vindication. It all comes down to these bills. Which is a very large sum. My pain and suffering was tremendous. Anyone would agree that the sensation or knowledge of having bugs crawling in their skin is not at all pleasant to cope with.

Your pain, notwithstanding, you didn't vacate the premises.
You even PAID her for the privilege of the infestation by giving her your BIG TICKET items.

Bottom line, you are responsible for you.

Even IF you had left, you wouldn't be able to recover.

Watch her defend by saying YOU infected her dogs, or your mother's pooch infected her dogs, or that you got an infection; but NOT on her premises.

You can't PROVE otherwise.

All you can prove is that you were infected.

Go ahead, file your lawsuit, you won't win; and even if you do, you'll have to collect the judgment.

That is even harder than prevailing in court, collecting outta court!

You stayed,
you even paid,
you then vacated,
now you want to be placated,
you wanna sue,
this one ain't gonna work for you!
I hear you. And I trust your advice. We were friends for 6 years and I trusted her to treat me as such. Im VERY happy to be over the ordeal, even if my face became disfigured in the process. Thanks for your expertise.
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