Rough draft letter to bank [If you care to read]
I have come to your branch office twice and attempted to access my deceased brother's account, both times having to take time off work and travel from [home town]. I brought all documents I considered necessary to accomplish this. During my first attempt it was requested of me to show my Birth Certificate as to identify my relationship with my brother, even though I had my California driver's license, showing my name and address, and my name and city where I reside are listed in both Will and Trust. I doubt that there are other [my name] that live in [home town]. Frustrated but willing to comply, I left. During my second visit I had all documents, including my Birth Certificate, and was told since the account was in my brother's name only and not the "[brother's name], Trust" I would have to go to court and through Probate to determine my right to access the account. Considering my brother never married nor had children, I am the sole and rightful heir to his Estate and listed in his Will as Executor and in his Trust as the first successor Trustee. I believe this should show his intent to leave all to me. I fail to see what the problem is. My brother's Estate is small, as is the balance in the account. The whole purpose of the Will and Trust was to avoid Probate. I am experiencing enough emotional difficulties dealing with the loss of my brother, as he knew I would, which is why he purposely set it up to be without Probate.
I have enclosed a copy of [brother's name] Death Certificate and my Birth Certificate. I have also enclosed a copy of the Will, Certification of Trust and Assignment of Furniture, Furnishings and Personal Property, these three signed and notarized on March 1, 1996. In the "Assignment of Furniture, Furnishings, and Personal Property" document it states, " I, [brother's name], do hereby sell, transfer and assign, without consideration, all right, title and interest which I have in my personal property of every kind including, but not limited to, (then goes on listing furniture, jewelry, etc., ending with) checking accounts, savings accounts which I now own or which I may own in the future to the: [brother's name] Trust, March 1, 1996". If nothing else, it shows his intent to have "all" placed in his Trust and the Trust shows his intent to have me in charge of all his Estate. [bank's name] is the only one who has failed to honor these documents. I believe it would be a waste of the courts time, as well as mine, to go through Probate. If the courts decide the documents are sufficient, and I have every reason to believe that they are, you will be held responsible for the court costs.
I am aware that these matters are at your discretion. I am requesting that you reevaluate these documents. Please let me know your decision. You may write to me at the address above or call my wife, [wife's name], at [phone number] if you require any further information. She will be happy to help you or contact me at work should you need to talk directly with me.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
[my name]
Brother to [brother's name]