wining a settlement to an uncollectable defendant.

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I am the mother of 3 small children. The court ordered in my divorce that my husband take out a 200k life insurance policy nameing me the beneficiary untill all of his child support obligations have been meet in the event of his death to protect the kids financially missed child support.well he died he did take out the court ordered life insurance policy. But did not name me as beneficary but a family member that has mo interest in the kids or handing over child support obligation funds. I have hired an attorney to sue for this . But my attotney wants me tp settle outside of court as half of the 200k has been spent on luxury cars and a new house even through he was told the money is for the kids. If i win . How do i collect the money? What if he hides the money and ive spent 20k on attorney fee litigating and end up not being able to collect. Then ive spent 20k of money i dpnt have and i still have 3 kids to raise on my own with a little income. What can i do? Sny laws or anything protecting me? Any advice please im pulling my hair out trying to foguire this out without investing too much money in my attorney im losing faith in
Obtaining a judgment is often easier than collecting on one.

Nothing protects you, it's a gamble.

Talk to different lawyers, get more opinions, but it'll still be tough.

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The ins. co. would have paid the policy proceeds to the beneficiary named in the policy. All you can do is work with your attorney & see what they might be able to get for you. If you're not happy with your current attorney, you can always talk to another one.
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