Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Wisdom Needed...

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Hello All,

I'm looking for some wisdom and advice. I know without police reports, court papers, etc that the wisdom given by anyone isn't etched in stone but I think I may be making the wrong choice in regards to council.

I was arrest for distribution of narcotics a very small amount $20.00 worth. However I feel I may be getting a raw deal due to my past record. The police reports states that they watch me on my cell phone then a few minutes later I followed a vehicle, stopped and approach that vehicle, I then return to my vehicle and left, about 5-10 miles down the road I was stopped on the highway by that towns Police, they ran up on the car did their dog and pony show. They had my passenger and I get out of the car and proceeded to ask me who I met? what I was doing?, etc. I don't talk to police they can't be trusted like all people their goal is to succeed in your career however Police lie to further their career. So I say nothing to them but…. do what you have to do.

After we got out of car they asked me where are the drugs? I said I have no drugs; they then searched my vehicle and myself and found nothing. They then approach my passenger and asked him the same question he responded in my sock. They searched him and found drugs in his sock. They asked him if I bought them from the person in the other car…he stated yes. Now here is where the Police games begin… They then arrested me, towed my vehicle and let him go. So let me understand this we now put people in jail that don't have drugs on them or in their vehicle, and let the people who have drugs in their possession go home?

The police report states they didn't see me buy drugs or give my passenger drugs. How can this be possible? If no one witnessed me buy drugs or give drugs how is this legal? In my opinion it sounds like someone will say anything including lies to keep them self out of jail.

I have a Public defender who seems to say very little, she just filed the Motion To Suppress yet has no opinion on the motion, and says we must go to trial. Yet I did talk to another lawyer who stated this is a beatable case with the motion.

I would also like to add that in the local newspaper there was a large article in regards to this situation and it was all wrong, It stated I surrender drugs to the police, that I was driving a different car, and much more that was wrong. My passenger's name was never mentioned. How can a newspaper print all lies?
Ok… that's the nightmare… Wisdom Please….Tyvm
Wisdom, easy, don't break any laws.

Wisdom, don't possess, sale, transport, use, or even glance at illegal drugs.

Wisdom, if you are arrested, plead not guilty, ask for a lawyer, and shut up.

Wisdom, don't try to be your own lawyer.

Wisdom, follow the advice of your lawyer.

Final wisdom, actually revelation: your passenger is one of two things, a SNITCH or an UNDERCOVER COP. You've been had, and soon they'll shrink wrap you.

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I agree with above. The police likely have more information than you are aware of.
I assume you consented to the search of your vehicle, otherwise everything you describe sounds legitimate a far as the police action.
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