Withholding information and firearms?

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I was arrested and charged in December traveling through Ohio about 2 1/2 months ago at Washington C H. For a mis-transportation of a firearm. I was bailed and went to my arraignment and was charged a simple fine and told that I was to go without my firearm for 30 days, which was seized at the time of my arrest. No big deal to me really, and being active duty military I am certainly not from that area. I was granted the opportunity to go back to that area about 2 weeks ago and went since it was beyond my 30 days with a locked gun box ready to transport the weapon legally to Pennsylvania. When I arrive I'm informed of all this new stuff over the course of three hours. First thing was still new but didn't hiccup too much, I had to write to the judge pretty much reminding him that they had my gun and I want it back. But after all that and waiting for the proceedings to get done for the morning, the judge declines my letter and wants to initiate a hearing for release of my weapon. When I was told by the judges mouth face to face at my arraignment that my firearm would be released and leave me free and clear after those 30 days. My question is, IS this legal of the courts to do? Or are they just abusing their power over mostly unknowing out of state person? The court house, whether I am at my home of origin or at my duty station is a 6hour+ drive. Which I tried to explain to the court.

I need some explanation on this because while it was one of my favorite self defense weapons (g23 for those who are curious) I'm about ready to call these people and tell them to keep the Damn thing. For the price of purchased it at, unless I have some sort of case against the court for negligence or something, it will cost me more to go retrieve the weapon than I will pay for a brand new one.

Let me know
You have no case against anyone.

You either do as the court directs, or buy another firearm.

If you protest inappropriately, you might make more trouble for yourself.

The court could contact your chain of command, so be careful, respectful, and relax.

Thank goodness you didn't get smacked with a felony.

If I were in your position, I'd just buy another weapon.


You never know what lovely stew someone might be cooking, do you?
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