Withholding of property


New Member
Hello, I have been staying with my "God mom" since July 1st. My ex and I had recently broken up and he said it was okay for me to stay until I could get my own place. I ran into my "God mom" at my job and she offered me to stay with her, she asked me what I could pay for cause she didn't want to put me in a bad position rather than help. I agreed upon $500. To make a long story short I recently found out I am pregnant so I want to move closer to my doctor/job and most importantly the father of my unborn child. I called her today 9/5/17 to tell her that I'm moving out I should have my things out by Saturday. She replies that I still owe her $250. I have not been there since this following Saturday because I didn't want to waste gas and decided to stay at a friends to be closer to work. There was a recent gas shortage in Texas because of the Hurricane. I went to the house to retrieve my things she was literally holding the door so that my key couldn't turn the knob. So I called the police, I'm fully aware of what they can and cannot do and I was allowed to retrieve some of my things. I've even went as far as to telling her to charge me for storage for the five days she's still not trying to be cordial. Where should I go from here? Please help!
Where should I go from here?

Pay the money you agreed to pay.

When you had nowhere to go, only she took you in, and gave you shelter.
I have been staying with my "God mom" since July 1st. My ex and I had recently broken up and he said it was okay for me to stay until I could get my own place.

I'm curious why you or your ex thought he had any say in the matter? Why isn't it entirely up to you where you stay after you broke up?

I agreed upon $500.

Per month? Per week? Total for an undefined period of time? Was the agreement that you would pay this amount. Or was it that you would pay this amount...unless you decided to stay elsewhere for X number of nights in a row, in which case you'd pay some lesser amount?

To make a long story short I recently found out I am pregnant so I want to move closer to my doctor/job and most importantly the father of my unborn child.

I assume the "ex" to whom you referred previously is whom you believe to be the father. Correct?

Where should I go from here?

Not sure until you answer the questions I asked (although some are not relevant to this question), but if you agreed to pay $500, then you probably need to pay it. That you chose to stay elsewhere for a while doesn't change that.

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