Withholding wages


New Member
Recently a machine in my boss's diner was robbed. My boss who has been screwed over many times thinks I had something to do with it, when you can clearly see that I don't. . Everything this man did and was said between us is on tape. He did not fire me. I worked the rest of the week. When I went to get my check today, he tells me he's not giving it to me because now he thinks I helped this man! When this happened, I offered to talk to the police and tell them everything I can so we can catch this man.
I know that legally he can't keep my check. What I need to know is what can I do legally to get my check, and I would like to do something if I can about defimation of character? He is actually telling other employees and regulars of mine that I am a thief! I have never had to steal. I make good money on my own for taking care of my customers. Please help
Recently a machine in my boss's diner was robbed. My boss who has been screwed over many times thinks I had something to do with it, when you can clearly see that I don't. . Everything this man did and was said between us is on tape. He did not fire me. I worked the rest of the week. When I went to get my check today, he tells me he's not giving it to me because now he thinks I helped this man! When this happened, I offered to talk to the police and tell them everything I can so we can catch this man.
I know that legally he can't keep my check. What I need to know is what can I do legally to get my check, and I would like to do something if I can about defimation of character? He is actually telling other employees and regulars of mine that I am a thief! I have never had to steal. I make good money on my own for taking care of my customers. Please help

Horrible, despicable, terrible to be accused of a crime when you're innocent.

Evil, vile, to have someone keep the money you've earned because of their misguided and defamatory beliefs.

Meet discretely with a couple of local attorneys and see what you can learn.

The first meeting is usually offered without cost or further obligation.

Please let us know what you learn.

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