Assault & Battery Woman hits herself in face and files domestic violence on me


New Member
North Dakota
1. We have verbal argument..
2. I get my stuff and leave
3. She has a friend over named Pam
4. I call her fat a few times... did not threaten or yell loud
5. After i leave she's so mad she hits herself in face, has bleeding on arm.
She tells police that we had a tussle over bedroom door and i pushed door into her face.. which if u think about is hard to do.. U would move your head away if i pushed door vs u.

Police of course buy her story and arrest me.

I go to jail and just paid 500 dollar bond to get out.

I live in Ohio.. Im not suppossed to leave state but i'm leaving now on a plane.

People tell me i could maybe just not come back and not fight charges and i wont bge extradited.

I think she might cool down and not show up to court and also knowing the entire case is a scam.

I got two charges. 1. Domestic violence.. midemeanor
2. Disorderly Conduct.. Though not sure how they came up with that one.

Her friend, pam , was there. . She claims she just stayed in laundry room entire time.. which is only like ten feet from hallway where this supposedly happpened. It makes no sense. Dont u think if u heard your friend tussling somebody with a door and got her head hit by one that she would have came to hallway to see what is going on? I think she wants nothign to do with Janelle's crazy idea to hurt herself so she coud blame it on me and does not want to testify in court.

I think Janelle, the accusser, will prob feel bad in time and/ or not wnt ot come to court. Also court is an hour away where she lives and she does not have a car with tags... When i stayed with her all we did was sit around house due to this.

Anyways i want to prove that she totally framed the incident and get her in trouble.. this is total Bs and super super mad about it.

Thanks any ideas.

will post more evidence in future.

court is 3 months away..
If you leave the state you will have a warrant issued for your arrest.The warrant won't go away. Take care of your legal issue and stop discussing the criminal matter on the internet. If you haven't done so, hire an attorney.
I live in Ohio.. Im not suppossed to leave state but i'm leaving now on a plane.

Why were you NOT allowed to leave the state of Ohio or North Dakota?
I got two charges. 1. Domestic violence.. midemeanor
2. Disorderly Conduct.. Though not sure how they came up with that one.

If you are on PROBATION or PAROLE, your parole agent or probation agent will soon be notified of the altercation.

If you are on PROBATION or PAROLE, you are REQUIRED to report all contacts (no matter how insignificant) with law enforcement.

If the conditions of your bond don't allow you to leave the state of ND, be smart, don't leave ND.

You could have your bond revoked, and you might find yourself in some crummy, COVID-19 infested, hoosegow.

nyways i want to prove that she totally framed the incident and get her in trouble

It isn't in YOUR best interests to get anyone in trouble (even IF you could).
Your efforts from this point forward should be to EXTRICATE yourself out of the trouble in which you are now ensnared.

Towards that end, I suggest you do TWO things:

1) Use your RIGHT to remain silent from this point forward. Yapping, blabbing, and whining will do you no service. Why? Because ANYTHING you say CAN and WILL be used against you in a court of law.

2) Hire yourself the best ND layer you can afford. If you can't even afford the worst attorney money can buy, then appear in court as ordered, plead NOT guilty, and ask if you qualify for a public defender. Then, speak ONLY to your attorney when he or she is assigned to assist you.

Don't down play or ignore ANY misdemeanor domestic violence charge.
It may be a misdemeanor, but a conviction of that misdemeanor can harm you far more than you might imagine.

Thanks any ideas.

I gave you a couple.

will post more evidence in future.

I suggest you post nothing more than you already have.

Posting more information can't help you, it could hurt you.

Be smarter, and be silent, silent as The Sphinx.
1. We have verbal argument..
2. I get my stuff and leave
3. She has a friend over named Pam
4. I call her fat a few times... did not threaten or yell loud
5. After i leave she's so mad she hits herself in face, has bleeding on arm.
She tells police that we had a tussle over bedroom door and i pushed door into her face.. which if u think about is hard to do.. U would move your head away if i pushed door vs u.

Police of course buy her story and arrest me.

I go to jail and just paid 500 dollar bond to get out.

I live in Ohio.. Im not suppossed to leave state but i'm leaving now on a plane.

People tell me i could maybe just not come back and not fight charges and i wont bge extradited.

I think she might cool down and not show up to court and also knowing the entire case is a scam.

I got two charges. 1. Domestic violence.. midemeanor
2. Disorderly Conduct.. Though not sure how they came up with that one.

Her friend, pam , was there. . She claims she just stayed in laundry room entire time.. which is only like ten feet from hallway where this supposedly happpened. It makes no sense. Dont u think if u heard your friend tussling somebody with a door and got her head hit by one that she would have came to hallway to see what is going on? I think she wants nothign to do with Janelle's crazy idea to hurt herself so she coud blame it on me and does not want to testify in court.

I think Janelle, the accusser, will prob feel bad in time and/ or not wnt ot come to court. Also court is an hour away where she lives and she does not have a car with tags... When i stayed with her all we did was sit around house due to this.

Anyways i want to prove that she totally framed the incident and get her in trouble.. this is total Bs and super super mad about it.

Thanks any ideas.

will post more evidence in future.

court is 3 months away..

Absent a clear confession from the woman (very unlikely), you're not going to prove that you didn't do it. The best you can hope for is for the court to rule that you might not have done it, and that's all it takes for the court to find you not-guilty.
Well i left state..
i mean they dont know i left state so hopefully dotn get checked out and come back on the court date in about three monthss
It isn't so much about police buying her story... It is more about police being obligated by law to make an arrest in domestic violence matters.
If she lied then that will have to flush out during the process.

Thats something the cop said when arresting me also.
he was well like we have to make an arrest since dom violence.
Also i showed them i had no markings on hands or redness.
Also the other girl at house i can tell did not want to get involved so told the police that she was sitting in laundry room, there is no place to sit though, and did not come to hallway to see the "supposed tussle with the door" where her friend got hit in the face with it" although this never happened and she hit herself somehow after i left.

Its all very very upsetting because in reality it was nothing more than a verbal argument. She was in bedroom trying to hide my socks, shirts, and underwear because she was mad at me.

All i did was go in there and get my stuff and leave and said a few words,, nothing threatening. I did say i called her fat to the police, I should have just kept my mouth shut but i wanted to tell my side because i hoped that maybe i would not be arrested... " but i know if somebody hits themselves they have huge upper hand and nothing i can realy do .. but be falsely accussed.

When i saw judge they did offer to give me 18 months of unsupervised probation and then i could leave state etc if i PLED GUILTY

But i'm freaking innocent and also i think she might cool down and not show up in court. If so i will win right:?
I think she will cool down prob and also because its all lies she might feel bad for doing all this to me.
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If so i will win right:?

No one WINS, insofar as a verdict in a criminal matter is concerned.

You might be acquitted.

You might also be declared guilty.

The jury could end up being hung, the state might let it go, or try you again.

Chattering, wondering, pondering about this event is if no use to you.

The best you can do once the sate has charged you with a crime is use your right to remain silent, avoid any other criminal charges, and help your lawyer to build a great defense for you.

When i saw judge they did offer to give me 18 months of unsupervised probation and then i could leave state etc.

Only time will tell if you commend your choices, or regret your choices.
There are a whole lot of ways you could be discovered. You have put your freedom at risk by leaving the state, and it also makes you look guilty.
1. We have verbal argument..
2. I get my stuff and leave
3. She has a friend over named Pam
4. I call her fat a few times... did not threaten or yell loud
5. After i leave she's so mad she hits herself in face, has bleeding on arm.
She tells police that we had a tussle over bedroom door and i pushed door into her face.. which if u think about is hard to do.. U would move your head away if i pushed door vs u.

Police of course buy her story and arrest me.

I go to jail and just paid 500 dollar bond to get out.

I live in Ohio.. Im not suppossed to leave state but i'm leaving now on a plane.

People tell me i could maybe just not come back and not fight charges and i wont bge extradited.

I think she might cool down and not show up to court and also knowing the entire case is a scam.

I got two charges. 1. Domestic violence.. midemeanor
2. Disorderly Conduct.. Though not sure how they came up with that one.

Her friend, pam , was there. . She claims she just stayed in laundry room entire time.. which is only like ten feet from hallway where this supposedly happpened. It makes no sense. Dont u think if u heard your friend tussling somebody with a door and got her head hit by one that she would have came to hallway to see what is going on? I think she wants nothign to do with Janelle's crazy idea to hurt herself so she coud blame it on me and does not want to testify in court.

I think Janelle, the accusser, will prob feel bad in time and/ or not wnt ot come to court. Also court is an hour away where she lives and she does not have a car with tags... When i stayed with her all we did was sit around house due to this.

Anyways i want to prove that she totally framed the incident and get her in trouble.. this is total Bs and super super mad about it.

Thanks any ideas.

will post more evidence in future.

court is 3 months away..

It's actually not that hard to hit someone in the face with a door. I know people who are clumsy and have walked into a door on their own. So no it's not hard to shove someone's face into a door if they were being assaulted.

Yes the police believed her story. She had injuries. That's usually how it works.

If you don't show up to court you lose your bond and you have a warrant for failure to appear - which will never go away until you deal with it. An ex has a warrant in a state that is still active 7 years later. It would be easy for him to take care of it. But if he were to get pulled over there and they run his info and it comes up, he would get arrested.

It's your life. If you want to run, that's on you. It's not smart but it's your choice. Unless you can see into the future, you don't know what will happen. She might not show up, she might. It might get dismissed, it might not. The facts are that if you do not show up to your court date, you will have a warrant. That's facts.

If you want to prove your innocence, why would you run? You should probably find a lawyer and stop posting this on a public forum...
Well i left state..
i mean they dont know i left state so hopefully dotn get checked out and come back on the court date in about three monthss

The ignorance in your post is astounding...

If part of your bond is don't leave the state and anyone finds out and reports it to the court, you're gonna get bond revoked. So say your ex finds out you left, tells the county attorney or DA or prosecutor on your case - they can file a motion to revoke your bond. Then - warrant.

Get a lawyer.

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