Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct Woman scorned


New Member
Ok so about two months ago I got into an argument with my ex-wife about our children and it got heated. She is obligated to notify me if she changes her address and I found out from my daughter that they had recently moved and my ex told her not to tell me about it. The next time I picked up my daughter I called out my ex and told her to give me her new address. She said no and so began our argument. She called the police and my daughter was in my car so she wouldn't hear her parents arguing so I left because I didn't want her to go through that. Two months later I get a notice saying I have a warrant for my arrest! I was shocked and had no idea what it could have been about. So I go to turn myself in to the police station to figure out what it is for. Turns out she pressed charges on me for that previous incident. The actual charge I think was Obscene Electonic Harrassment. They told me her statement was that I said "I was going to find out where she lived and take care of her." That is not at all what I said. I told her I would find out her address even if she wouldn't tell me. Then I told her that one day she would get what she deserves for everything she has put me and the Kids through. As in karma is a btch. I have always tried to be civil and polite when we have to speak to each other and have never harassed or threatened her. And every time I meet with or talk to her She is very mean and spiteful and is very neglectful of the children. I have all of my text messages printed out from that day and nowhere does it say what she accused me of. I pled not guilty so they set a court date but I don't have the money to hire a lawyer. What else can I do to prove she was just trying to inconvenience me by getting arrested to be spiteful? Can I get in trouble for telling her karma is going to come back around? And can't she get in trouble for a false charge? Are there any lawyers who would represent me for free? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
What else can I do to prove she was just trying to inconvenience me by getting arrested to be spiteful? Can I get in trouble for telling her karma is going to come back around? And can't she get in trouble for a false charge? Are there any lawyers who would represent me for free? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

If you're smart, common sense would dictate to you that until this case is resolved, contacting her in any way, shape, manner, or form would only make more trouble for you.

Stay away from her, as if your life depended on it, because it does, as does your freedom.

You appear in court, plead NOR guilty, and ask the judge if you qualify for a public defender.

Whatever you do, don't do what you did here.

Don't ask questions (other than if you qualify for a public defender), don't explain, don't even make eye contact with the ALLEGED victim.

When you get a lawyer, allow the lawyer to ask you questions, and answer in as few words as possible, and answer only what is asked.

No need to air years of dirty linen, just deal with this mess.

Avoid the temptation to tell her anything, even HELLO.

You are fighting for your life, freedom, and the ability to earn a paycheck.

When this is over, go to court and seek to change the child custody order to exchange the child(ren) in a police station ONLY.

Don't fret over where she lives, unless you want to make this a regular "poo on YOU party", by that "woman".
They have to prove you did something illegal. Until they do that you have nothing to say. If they have the same text messages/emails you have then you already know they lack evidence.
That said, apparently a prosecutor thought there was enough to proceed, but it could simply be that things were out of context.
I find it interesting that you were never contacted by police for a statement. If that is the case then you know all they have is whatever you sent her electronically.
Be patient. Definitely look into whether you can have appointed counsel (you may not qualify because it's a lesser offense). You won't find anyone to handle this for free. If you are lucky this will never actually make its way to trial.
You might visit one or two attorneys for a brief consultation. There may be less expensive ways they can assist you.
Also. In my experience most custody orders require parents to exchange current contact information.
You have a right to know where your child is and should be able to contact in case of emergency.
As mentioned above, if there are problems with the current order you can return to court and seek assistance. In the mean time do your part to abide by the order.
I often recommend to parents to keep a journal of their contacts with the ex. The ex doesn't need to know about it. Each time there is a problem write down the time and date and the details of what happened. When the day comes that you are back in court or mediation you can refer to that journal and pull out every detail that ever happened, and if you are organized and honest with it you will score bonus points.
I've received positive feedback from parents who actually did this. If nothing else it helped them to present their argument and not forget anything.
If you're smart, common sense would dictate to you that until this case is resolved, contacting her in any way, shape, manner, or form would only make more trouble for you.

Stay away from her, as if your life depended on it, because it does, as does your freedom.

You appear in court, plead NOR guilty, and ask the judge if you qualify for a public defender.

Whatever you do, don't do what you did here.

Don't ask questions (other than if you qualify for a public defender), don't explain, don't even make eye contact with the ALLEGED victim.

When you get a lawyer, allow the lawyer to ask you questions, and answer in as few words as possible, and answer only what is asked.

No need to air years of dirty linen, just deal with this mess.

Avoid the temptation to tell her anything, even HELLO.

You are fighting for your life, freedom, and the ability to earn a paycheck.

When this is over, go to court and seek to change the child custody order to exchange the child(ren) in a police station ONLY.

Don't fret over where she lives, unless you want to make this a regular "poo on YOU party", by that "woman".
Thank you for you answer. A lot of good advice. I have two children with her and I get them every other weekend. I have to keep in contact with her. To know where to pick them up, when and other important things concerning the girls. I understand that with this situation I shouldn't try to talk to her about it but I've told her on multiple occasions that we shouldn't converse unless it has to do with the girls. When I turned myself in recently and told the judge what the argument started over (me not knowing her address) he said in my divorce it states if either parent relocates we are both obligated to send out letters explaining this change of address to my ex, the dhs office and her attorney. So I could really care less where she lives, other than the fact that is kid of like to know where my kids are, I'm just trying to do what I was told. Once again your advice is greatly appreciated.
They have to prove you did something illegal. Until they do that you have nothing to say. If they have the same text messages/emails you have then you already know they lack evidence.
That said, apparently a prosecutor thought there was enough to proceed, but it could simply be that things were out of context.
I find it interesting that you were never contacted by police for a statement. If that is the case then you know all they have is whatever you sent her electronically.
Be patient. Definitely look into whether you can have appointed counsel (you may not qualify because it's a lesser offense). You won't find anyone to handle this for free. If you are lucky this will never actually make its way to trial.
You might visit one or two attorneys for a brief consultation. There may be less expensive ways they can assist you.
Very helpful and reassuring thank you!
Ok so about two months ago I got into an argument with my ex-wife about our children and it got heated. She is obligated to notify me if she changes her address and I found out from my daughter that they had recently moved and my ex told her not to tell me about it. The next time I picked up my daughter I called out my ex and told her to give me her new address. She said no and so began our argument. She called the police and my daughter was in my car so she wouldn't hear her parents arguing so I left because I didn't want her to go through that. Two months later I get a notice saying I have a warrant for my arrest! I was shocked and had no idea what it could have been about. So I go to turn myself in to the police station to figure out what it is for. Turns out she pressed charges on me for that previous incident. The actual charge I think was Obscene Electonic Harrassment. They told me her statement was that I said "I was going to find out where she lived and take care of her." That is not at all what I said. I told her I would find out her address even if she wouldn't tell me. Then I told her that one day she would get what she deserves for everything she has put me and the Kids through. As in karma is a btch. I have always tried to be civil and polite when we have to speak to each other and have never harassed or threatened her. And every time I meet with or talk to her She is very mean and spiteful and is very neglectful of the children. I have all of my text messages printed out from that day and nowhere does it say what she accused me of. I pled not guilty so they set a court date but I don't have the money to hire a lawyer. What else can I do to prove she was just trying to inconvenience me by getting arrested to be spiteful? Can I get in trouble for telling her karma is going to come back around? And can't she get in trouble for a false charge? Are there any lawyers who would represent me for free? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

She didn't press charges - she made a report and you weren't there to give your side. This is where you ran into trouble I think: "hen I told her that one day she would get what she deserves for everything she has put me and the Kids through. As in karma is a btch.." That's not very civil. I get it. But you kind of put your foot in it with that statement.

You can find a lawyer who does a free consultation and at least get some advice. Shop around and see if there are any you could afford to retain.

She didn't file any charges - and she didn't file a false report. You admittedly said she was going to get what's coming to her. That could be taken in so many ways. Go talk to some lawyers.

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