Woman working in mans world

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I am one of three woman that work in the field for a utility company in Texas. I coordinate work to be done. Just to give you an idea there are roughly 1000people in this department.
Recently we had our yearly evauations (to determine our pay increase). Mind you I have only been in the department for 6 months before reciving this evaluation. When I was first hired my supervisor (General forman) sat down with me and discussed my goals for that 6 moth period.

Now the yearly evauation comes up and I met all my goals and I have never had and verbal counsuling or repremands. I do not have an attendace problem. I was told that the reason I recieved generally meet (there are five stages top preformer high performer meets generally meet and does not meet) was because I have a bad attitude. When I ask for examples he could not give me any. When I asked why was i not counseled he could not answer. I only recieved a 1.5% increase out of a possible 5%. I brought experience with me to this job it is not like it was a new thing for me.I feel that this is becasue I am a woman.

What can I do? If I complain then I'm scared I will lose my job or they will tranfer me to a different area.
The supervisors yell and degrade everyone like drill sargents. When I have brought it up to one of my female co-worker she say that if you want to work in a mans world then you have to put up with it.
I will add that I have had other issues, example one of the other General Forman calls me young lady like I'm a child.
I have also question why they yell all the time.

So my legal question is what proof do I need, or is this even worth fighting?
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Nothing in your post warrants any illegal act by the company. It may be an unpleasant working enviroment for you so you might wish to look elsewhere for employment. Unless you can show undeniable proof that the company is discriminating against you due to your sex, there is nothing you can do from a legal standpoint. If you wish to remain with this company, you may wish to take the approach of confronting your superiors. Tell the General Foreman that you resent being treated like a child and would appreciate his change of attitude towards you.

Could be that your "perceived" bad attitude is due to how you've been treated by your superiors.
Thank you for the infromation and for the advice. I like what I do it is a very fun job. It is hard to imagine that there are still men in this world that think that a woman can't do the same job. My father was never like that I was alway treated equally.
So my legal question is what proof do I need, or is this even worth fighting?
Possible violation of the federal equal pay act (or state law) these type of cases are difficult to prove run it by an attorney. Could also be sex discrimination a little easier to prove. Either way contact an attorney.
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