Won Judgement what now?

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New Member
I recently won a judgement for $8,500. The defendant is not going to pay.

Winning was easy, collecting seems to be almost impossible.

How can I find out where he banks and what accounts he has? I don't want to pay money to find this out, as I believe that he has next to nothing. (if a company can find out, why can't I on my own?)

If the defendant owns a cleaning business, (works from friend's home) how can I garnish his wages? (I don't believe that he has anything worth taking possession of, outside of tring to get some of his income from the business.

I am aware that I can try to find and possess his vehicle. Also he has no realestate.

Try searching in our guides section here on TheLaw.com. It will give you instructions on how to execute upon your judgment. Best of luck with this - it's the hardest part of getting the money that you rightfully deserve.
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