wonder about defamation of character???

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I am a teacher in Texas. I have been teaching for 19 years. I have always had excellent evaluations. I have parents that request their child be in my classroom. I find myself in a very disturbing situation right now. I am in the process of having a hearing with my local school board to dispute allegations my superintendent made against me and the proposed non renewal of my contract.
I am wondering if after this hearing is over if I might have a case of defamation of character against my superintendent. He went to the board and proposed they non renew my contract for various reasons, insubordination, divisiveness in the community, breaking FERPA laws, etc.... This was all done in executive session at a school board meeting. I had no idea that he was going to do this. This was not a recommendation from my immediate supervisor. I went to work expecting to be told why he proposed non renewal of my contract but instead was placed on Administrative Leave. The only teachers I have ever seen that have been placed on Administrative Leave have been ones that are accused of sexual misconduct with students or those that have committeed a felony crime. I live in the community that I teach in. I did not find out what he told the school board until 5 days after the school board meeting. I am still on administrative leave (since March 19th) I will final get to defend myself in a hearing tomorrow. But in the mean time there have been rumors, and questions as to why I am on Admin. Leave. I am not allowed at the school, had to turn my keys in, and have to give 24 hours notice if I am attending a function that involves my biological children. This superintendent has also blocked my personal email address so that it can not go through to the school, (including my children's teachers).
I am just wondering if this would be a defamation of character case that I might need to look into.
Thanks for any advice.
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