Wondering if background is affecting employment..........

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I used to be wild when I was younger. I have a small record from many years ago. I had multiple small misdemeanors but nothing serious. I also had a D.U.I. but I got it right before they changed the law to keep it on your record permanently. I don't know if the D.U.I. is still on my record or not. All of these offenses have been at least 10 years or more ago.

Since then I went back to college & got my AAS degree in Computer Science. I graduated Cum Laude with a 3.6 GPA, top of the class, with multiple awards. I have grown up & gotten over my bad ways. All of my trouble was due to drinking in one way or another & I haven't drank in 10 years. I don't even smoke. I am mature and responsible now. I have held steady employment for 12 years now also.

I started my job search at the beginning of this year, after I graduated. I have had many close calls but haven't gotten a job in my field yet.

My question is; do you think my background will affect my employment much.

The only thing I have against me in the past 10 years is a couple of traffic tickets. One was about a year ago. This ticket was bogus. I got pulled over for putting my hat on while going down the road. They called it improper lane usage and only state troopers can write these type of tickets, lucky me. I tried to fight it but the state always wins. Anyways, it was a joke ticket. The other was 2 or 3 years ago for speeding.


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If you have been steadily employed for twelve years and have nothing recent but a traffic ticket, I think it very unlikely that anything in your background is keeping you from employment.
Thanks for the reply.

I recently had a phone interview with an IT security company. You have to be able to get a secret clearance to do this type of computer security. I was honest with them up front & they responded favorably. He said that honesty is the main thing they care about.

From all the research I have done, I have learned that most employers understand that people make mistakes; they just want you to be honest about it.
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It wouldn't hurt to find out what is on your record just so you'll know. You should be able to call the police department to find out what you need to do to obtain a record of your background check. There will be a minimal fee and usually takes about two weeks before you get it. Usually you have to request it in person and pay up front.
Yes but they can still decline you based on your background. you need to tell all employers up front because it will come up on a background check and if you withhold anything, that most certainly keep you out of a job. Just because you are honest they do not have to hire you. Having a criminal background is going to deter alot of employers from hiring you.
Check your credit reports too...employers look at that as well sometimes and check that for security clearances as well.
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