Wording for 'motion to show cause' help

Im a father and the "noncustodial" parent and I pay child support with no problem. In October 2016 the custodial parent got a new job but I just recently found out that she makes way more than she did before. The child support agreement requires the courts be notified when income changes by more than 25% and obviously she hasn't notified the courts yet. I'm going to file a form DC-635 to show cause and I was seeking some assistance on how to word it.
Im a father and the "noncustodial" parent and I pay child support with no problem. In October 2016 the custodial parent got a new job but I just recently found out that she makes way more than she did before. The child support agreement requires the courts be notified when income changes by more than 25% and obviously she hasn't notified the courts yet. I'm going to file a form DC-635 to show cause and I was seeking some assistance on how to word it.

You fill out the form as best you can.
If the court doesn't like it, it'll get bounced, and you'll do it again.
Keep it simple. There is no special language necessary. Just clearly explain the issue as simply as possible and keep it focused on that issue.
That's to review or amend an order? I will also get my monthly amount adjusted but I want to punish/Hold the other parent responsible for not following the courts order. Wouldnt I need to file a motion to show cause still? I may have had the wrong form but still I thought I need to file a motion??
That's to review or amend an order? I will also get my monthly amount adjusted but I want to punish/Hold the other parent responsible for not following the courts order. Wouldnt I need to file a motion to show cause still? I may have had the wrong form but still I thought I need to file a motion??

You don't get to punish anyone. You can file a motion for contempt and the judge will decide what to do or not to do. Generally the first time they get a slap on the wrist and told "Don't do it again."
Generally the first time they get a slap on the wrist and told "Don't do it again."

I simply dismiss the case the first couple of times, admonishing the parties not to bother me with their petty bickering. Neither one takes a thing, but the county, the state, me, and the lawyers.

Heck, I'd even dismiss those kind of cases because of typos, or formatting issues.
That's to review or amend an order?

Yes. You have an order in place to pay X dollars. You use that to request an amendment. You can ask that the order be retroactive and that you get a credit for overpayment.

I want to punish/Hold the other parent responsible for not following the courts order.

Of course you do. Just like millions of other disgusting divorced people who would like nothing better than to punish their former spouses.

Wouldnt I need to file a motion to show cause still?

Yes, you would. But I suggest that you read the following explanation from a VA court:

Show Cause Contempt-Custody, Visitation, Support

You don't have the snowball's chance in hell of getting your ex "punished" for not notifying you or the court since remedies are otherwise available.

Besides "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" so you might want to save your hostility for a more important battle and just let this one go.

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