Work compensation equality

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter Stacie
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I work for a county department. All my co-workers who hold the same title as myself are provided with a work vehicle to drive to work from home, during work hours and home again. However, I am not provided with the same vehicle even though my job duties are the same or equal to the others within the department. Am I entitle to a vehicle or compensation differential of money? Because those employees get vehicles they have a significant salary increase compared to me who does not have a vehicle. I am full time and no different in comparison to the other same job specific employee's I refer to above.
Thank you
Legally they are not required to furnish you one. Did you ask why one has not been furnished you - maybe there is a good reason.
I agree with asking them. It is possible there are a limited amount of vehicles and 1 more employee than that. Are you the latest hired? Are you the one with the best car? Are you the only one who hasn't been late to work due to car problems? Etc. There could be a lot of reasons for it.

And it in the end, unless gov't entities are different and they could be, they should be getting taxed on the personal usage of the trucks (even just back and forth to work). That is generally not something you would know is happening unless you work in payroll and benefits. Last I looked it was $3 a workday taxable income.

But no, you aren't entitled to equality in this case at all.

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