Work I have a case?

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First, thanks for reading my post.

I am 21, I am employed at the same company as my mother. Over the past year and a half, but more so in the past 9 months, my mother has been "fooling around" with a manager where we are employed. I won't get into the full details at this point, but I have confronted her personally, I have confronted the manager, I have told the store manager, I have talked to the district manager, I have called headquarters and they sent a mediator whom all 3 of us know. What should I do at this point? This situation runs very deep and there are other factors involved including a formal investigation, papers have been signed and no response has been giving. Plus, I have sufficient evidence that this could be classified as an "affair" including an eyewitness account. My employer hasn't rectified the situation and plus it drags me down and is very depressing considering one of the parties involved is my own mother!...can anyone help me out with advice? Thank you so very much.

KA, Pa United States
there are a couple of things, i guess here, a personal conflict with your mom that needs to be addressed on a personal level outside of work and to know your company policies. the only real way it might create an issue in employment is if your mom works for the manager she may be involved with, that might be an issue. if not, then at least in my state, there is nothing illegal about it and an employer cannot get involved in the personal lives of their employees if there are no company policies that are being violated. your options would be to work it out with your mom or find another place to work.
Thanks for your reply. She does work under this manager, as do I. Here's the problem, I know that our employer has no say in anything that goes on outside of work, but things happen at work. They have been caught alone in places, the take overly long breaks in a locked office that no one has a key to except him, they go to lunch together often longer than the company allows. Plus, on a personal level I caught them together alone in a dark parking lot with steamed up windows..I saw it with my own two eyes.
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