Work Tablet

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I work for a company that undertakes asbestos surveys and asbestos air monitoring. To do this, I have a company tablet, on which I input data and information which the client can access. Recently I have misplaced the tablet, either lost or stolen. On informing my manager, he let the I.T department know, and a new tablet has been ordered.
However, I received an email from my manager today, saying I.T are claiming I am required to cover the cost of the tablet. When I received the tablet, I signed no contract saying I would be required to do this, and no verbal contract was issued either, at no point was it said, that if this tablet was misplaced, the employee would be required to cover the cost.

Where do I stand on this, am I required to over the cost, roughly £400 according to my manager. Or because no contract was signed or agreed, verbally or physically, can I make a stand, and refuse?

Thank you.
Where do I stand on this, am I required to over the cost, roughly £400 according to my manager. Or because no contract was signed or agreed, verbally or physically, can I make a stand, and refuse?

NOTICE: This website focuses on US law. My response is based ONLY on US law.

It depends.

To know for sure ask a solicitor.

In the US if you refused to pay for the equipment you allegedly lost, you'd probably end up getting TERMINATED, one way or another!!!
I suspect it is better to pay the cost of the tablet than to risk losing your job.
Review any written company policies for further insight.

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