working while filing for disability


New Member
New Jersey
My employer insists that I authorize another employee to use my state licensed password and perform functions that only I should do. i am injured and home, under doctors orders. can I go into work, perform these duties, go home after a few hours, and not jeopardize my disability privileges?
can I go into work, perform these duties, go home after a few hours, and not jeopardize my disability privileges?

While only the state disability office can carve the answer in stone, it's about 99% certain that the answer is No.
can I go into work, perform these duties, go home after a few hours, and not jeopardize my disability privileges?

While only the state disability office can carve the answer in stone, it's about 99% certain that the answer is No.
My job concerns medical billing. It would be illegal to permit a subordinate to log in with my ID and post financial data under my name. If I go in and post, I lose benefits. if I dont, it is likely tha I will be terminated within the week. Help
I'm not arguing, I'm asking.

What happens when you're on vacation or out sick for a couple of days?

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