Workplace Harrasment problem

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I have a bit of a problem. I work for a great company but my boss is constantly cussing, making rude comments and making me feel uncomfortable at work. She also always makes rude comments about other people and if you dont agree with her she treats horribly and tells you to shut up. I feel this is harassment. When I went into my HR Directors office to talk he didnt have anything to say, he hasnt helped at all and no one knows of this situation since my dept. offices are behind closed doors. She is constantly making a big stink out of everything and making me feel im working under a hostile work environment. Since no one understands or will listen to me and if word gets out im asking for help (HR Director or anyone higher up) she will fire me or worse, make my life even worse and trying to make me quite. Which she admitted she would do if she ever would want to get rid of me. I know wire tapping is illegal in the state of Florida but in situations like this, is it permitted??

Thank you for your help!
No. The law doesn't say, wiretapping is illegal unless you have a good reason; it says wiretapping is illegal.

Based SOLELY on what you have posted, this is not illegal harassment anyway. The term, hostile work environment, has a very specific meaning under the law and nothing you have posted meets that definition.
You and your co-workers have a right to strike and form or join a union. If this manager is that overbearing I suggest talking to your co-workers about exercising that right.
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