Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse worried

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Was given a ticket for casual exchange and a pot pipe got charged 6 yrs ago no charges since am i facing felony charges now
Was given a ticket for casual exchange and a pot pipe got charged 6 yrs ago no charges since am i facing felony charges now

Let's hope you learn, or you'll just keep riding the criminal problem merry go round.

Seek help, work your program.

Or, the drug abuse will destroy you.
Was given a ticket for casual exchange and a pot pipe got charged 6 yrs ago no charges since am i facing felony charges now

You might want to talk to a lawyer.

3-31 11:30am cst When I typed my reply above, thread was locked. I don't know who locked it or why. Since it was locked though, I left it locked. It seems to have now been reopened which is fine with me. I wasn't one who locked it.
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