Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Would I qualify for PTI under the first time offenders act?

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New Member
I am charged with two felonies, one possession with intent to distribute, other tampering with evidence and one misdemeanor of possession of marijuana.

I have never gotten a felony or drug charge before.

Would my points that are determined using the score sheet (around 35) for these crimes be used in determining if I qualify or is that for prior offenses?

Is this something that typically would qualify for first time offense?

I know that the outcome cannot be predicted I'm just asking if I have a good chance of being offered a Pre Trial Intervention program under these circumstances.

I cannot afford to hire a private attorney and my public defender will not contact me until the day before arraignment and I'm wondering if they will even do that.
You should see/talk to your public defender before court.
There are other "recent" threads by OP. (just for reference)
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