Would this be Employee Mistreatment?

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New Member
I've work as an Assistant Manager for an apartment complex for about seven months. I recently decided to move into a sister property and spoke with my supervisor on the issue. She said she would hold the apartmnt for me and gave me no other information. I called her on a Friday and asked if the unit was ready for me to move in, she said yes and told me I could get my keys and move in that weekend. I called the apartment manager at the complex I was moving to and we arranged to meet later that evening. I moved in Saturday and still heard nothing from my Supervisor about a lease or contract. Two weeks after I moved in she calls me (supervisor) and informs me that I am getting a reprimand for moving in without a lease. I explained to her that I was not told about signing a lease the whole time I was talking with her about the unit. She said I had moved in an employee before and should have known. I told her since my employment I had never moved in an employee. She sent the reprimand via email and at the very bottom it says I could dispute if I did not agree. I feel that I am the customer and it was the responsibilty of the manager from that complex to issue my lease. I emailed my supervisors superior about the dispute and he suspended me for two days ( no pay)..he says that I emailed him a "personal email" during business hours. I spoke with an employee that works with my supervisor and she says that my supervisors superior is the one that issued the reprimand. So he rejected my dispute and there is no one I can speak to thats over his position. I believe he got upset because I disputed his discission and therefore suspended me. The email was not personal at all,it had to do with the reprimand and the company. Is there anyhing I can do? :mad:
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