Write a greivence or sue my attorney.

Anna Ford

New Member
I had an attorney that was completely incompetent for my franchise case. I lost my case cause he did not turn over our evidence to the two other opposing attorneys. I found this out from the opposing attorneys after he dropped me 1 mo. before trial I never met this lawyer, after 15 months and lots of money. He has also broken every ethics rule.
I had an attorney that was completely incompetent for my franchise case. I lost my case cause he did not turn over our evidence to the two other opposing attorneys. I found this out from the opposing attorneys after he dropped me 1 mo. before trial I never met this lawyer, after 15 months and lots of money. He has also broken every ethics rule.

I suggest you consult an attorney in your state who handles legal malpractice cases. Most such attorneys give free initial consultations and the attorney can tell you if you have a good case to pursue or not. I'd wait to file a complaint with the State Bar of Texas since you might say something in the complaint that could hurt any later litigation against the attorney.
The word "or" was my clue. If I'm wrong the OP should return and clarify.
"Write a grievance or sue my attorney" "that's the question" then you read the description. I am simply looking for opinions or suggestions. Sorry if you did not understand by leaving off the question mark.??
"Write a grievance or sue my attorney" "that's the question" then you read the description. I am simply looking for opinions or suggestions. Sorry if you did not understand by leaving off the question mark.??

Then your answer is post #2.

But proper grammar and punctuation do help get your point across.
The following is from the other thread that you started on this same topic (which likely will be deleted and/or combined with this one).

My attorney told me he filed a motion to compel on one of the defendants {I had two} in my civil lawsuit. He told me he gave me a 10K discount, he promised if I paid half my bill he would disregard the other half. He promised to keep the other defendant in the case. He did not turn over our evidence to either opposing attorneys. Had this lawyer for 14 months never met him face to face we were 30 min. away from each other. Paid him 30K He did not do one thing I hired him to do, for example, get bank records, LLC records, documents from the franchisor, prove my partner scammed and conned me out of my half of the business. I invested 100k in a franchise, equipment 35K, bought a work van etc. I hired him, he promised he could do the job.

Then I get an attorney I knew nothing about because he was actually in New Mexico I thought he was here in Texas. After 3 months he fires this attorney, then he became my attorney for 3 months, then he hires another attorney and an office person I knew nothing about them either, Now I am paying two attorneys and this office person. I never heard from either attorney, never heard what was going on in the lawsuit. My partner committed insurance fraud, got us kicked out of a money-making co. did no payroll, lied to IRS, stole money out of my personal bank acct. no fiduciary duty, paid me like I was a ten-dollar an hour employee. You name it partner did it my attorney knew it but did absolutely nothing. Both attorneys withdrew 1 month before trial because I did not want to let the second defendant out of the lawsuit he lies to the judge why he was withdrawing.

I was given 30 days to find a new attorney no way was this going to happen I asked for another 30 days the opp attorneys said they had to agree with this continuance and they would not so I would not get more time I later found out this is not true. I had to go pro-se I later discovered since I was an LLC business owner I had to have representation. No one told me this so I was forced to settle out of court. Of course, took a huge loss. I also found out the attorney I hired was under some type of disciplinary from 15' to 17'

As I explained previously, if you had a lawyer for 14/15 months in a case that got a month away from trial and you never met him, but that's on you.

It is not possible to conclude with certainly based on this rant whether your attorney did anything improper. However, as you've been told twice previously, you certainly can have another attorney review the matter and advise you, and you're free to make a grievance if you like.
You didn't ask a question, so I'm unsure what the purpose of your post is or what sort of response you're seeking.

You had a lawyer for 15 months in a case that got a month away from trial and you never met him?! Sorry, but that's on you.

Obvious hyperbole is both obvious and not at all helpful.

You can have another lawyer review your case and advise you, and you're free to make a grievance if you like.
Please explain how "Sorry, but that's on you" I tried to meet with him, don't most attorneys want to meet their clients? So in my grievance, if I mention this, the attorney did not want to meet me face to face that's going to make me look like what? Bad??
You may want to avoid the hyperbole in whatever you do. Your claim that he "...has broken every ethics rule" makes you sound less than rational.
You may want to avoid the hyperbole in whatever you do. Your claim that he "...has broken every ethics rule" makes you sound less than rational.

To clarify the above: Making wild claims such as this only makes the rest of your claim(s) seem less credible.
Please explain how "Sorry, but that's on you" I tried to meet with him, don't most attorneys want to meet their clients? So in my grievance, if I mention this, the attorney did not want to meet me face to face that's going to make me look like what? Bad?

Why did you hire the lawyer without having an opportunity to meet him? You didn't really tell us what the case was about. However, I have a very hard time understanding why, if you tried to meet the lawyer and he refused, you would have hired him in the first place or why you didn't fire him and hire someone else after you tried to meet and he refused.

That's not to say he also wasn't in the wrong (about this issue or others). However, we can only respond based on what you told us, and here's the sum total of what you told us on this one issue:

1. "I never met this lawyer."
2. "Had this lawyer for 14 months never met him face to face."

Now, for the first time, you're telling us that you tried to meet with him (although you didn't tell us what efforts you made). When you provide incomplete information, it inhibits folks' ability to provide useful responses and may result in conclusions that wouldn't be warranted if all relevant facts were presented.

Additionally, your original post included obvious hyperbole: "He has also broken every ethics rule." Every ethics rule? Really? Including stuff like that makes everything else you write suspect.

Bottom line is that no one here is in a position to judge your lawyer's alleged conduct.

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