Write off arrears

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New Member
Can u please help?? My partner owes 28k in child support and 10k in interest and penalties to DOR. He no longer lives in USA. He wants to establish a relationship with his son but cannot as he can't get a passport. The original order was put in place in MA, where his son and ex still live. His ex is happy to weave the past support and set up payments going forward. Can this debt be written off with her concent?
If he has left the US, stays away, he can probably avoid paying anything.

Its awful hard to collect support if someone lives in a sovereign nation.
Depends where he lives ;)

Many countries have reciprocal agreements with the US when it comes to child support.

Besides, it appears that Dad is a US citizen in dire need of a US passport.

That aside, OP should perhaps be wary of this young man. If she ends up pregnant, she'll likely end up the same way Mom did here.

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