Writeing a book disclaimer question

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(I didnt know which forum category to put this in so i kinda guessed)

i have a couple questions about writing up a disclaimer for a non fiction christian self help book about how to be a better person, how to overcome troubles and so on, general advise about how to grow as a christian.

question 1
do i need to just have the disclaimer at the beginning of the book or do i need to put warnings by every single item in question(id prefer not to do this unless it was necessary)

question 2
i went thou the book and chapters and here is what i think may need to be covered by a disclaimer(and after that i put my made up disclaimer):

1advise in hard financial situations like foreclosure(unconventional advise aka faith and waiting for God to make it happen)
2describeing the time i walked in the woods in a mountainous area (where you could get lost) and what i learnt as a person from it
3varing spiritual advise about allot of matters
4referenced school shootings and why i think its happening and how i think so solve it,
5how to be a better spender when your low on money
6the whole book is about how to be a better christian on a multiplicity of topics
7stepping in faith towards the desired result without evidence/ waiting on God
8my opinions on christianity which probably many may not agree with
9 describing the spiritual realm
10advise for how to deal with hard relationships like in marriage or otherwise
11 Prayer is effective(describing how effective)
12 fear and how to deal with it(get out of fear)
13 how to fulfil your calling in the lord
14 advise on how to live a better life and make better decisions(many chapters about this)
15 how to not fight against other christians
16 speaking about the inner child(hurt feelings in the past or youth)
17 how to overcome emotional issues
18 better manners as a christian(things people do that are not good as christians)
19 use your resources to benefit others(whatever even financial)
20 how to be physically healed with faith and the factors involved
21 describing emotions and how to heal and overcome them
22 talking generally about peoples problems and how to overcome them
23 describing the demonic realm and how they work and how to over come them
24 sharing my experiences and how i over came various things
25 i talk about suicide/depression and how to over come that

here is the disclaimer that i formed off an example off the internet that was meant for webpages and i added some of my own from another disclaimer

do you think this will cover the above examples and if not what needs to be added to it to cover all the above( i took out personal information and replaced it with parenthesis for the purposes of putting it on this forum)

All the information in this book - (the name of the book) further referred to as (shorted name) - is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. I (my real name) do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this book(shortened name of book), is strictly at your own risk. I (my real name) will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of this book.
Many of the terms represented in this book are spiritual terms and referring to the spiritual or figuratively, not literally, common sense should be applied when necessary.
The information in this book should not substitute for financial, tax, legal advice or anything else whatsoever that requires professional guidance.

By using/reading this Book, you hereby consent to the disclaimer and agree to its terms.
If you are trying to create a disclaimer to reduce the possibility of being found liable for some harm that might befall the reader, then you should speak to an attorney.
based off the information provided, does it cover those items as described, or close to it, im not looking for the perfect answer just roughly
based off the information provided, does it cover those items as described, or close to it, im not looking for the perfect answer just roughly
I didn't read anything from your disclaimer because review and advice that you are asking for is beyond the scope of this (or any) internet forum.
One thing I will add is that "common sense" is not a legal term. Furthermore, "common sense" is far from common.
In any future posts, it would be helpful if you used proper capitalization and spacing. You have a lot of words and things without spaces and not a single capital letter, and that inhibits readability (at least you used punctuation).

do i need to just have the disclaimer at the beginning of the book or do i need to put warnings by every single item in question(id prefer not to do this unless it was necessary)

That depends on what you're disclaiming and why. Your long list is very general. If you really think what you're writing might subject you to legal liability, you ought to run your book by an attorney who can either confirm or disabuse you of that notion and advise you whether a disclaimer might be of any value in mitigating the potential liability. I will tell you though, that the disclaimer you put at the end of your post will almost certainly serve no legal purpose.
I don't want to pay 1000s of dollars for this purpose,

If you dont help me ill just have to guess at it.

Isn't there anything you can guess formulate based off my generalized info provided, I went though it and this what I think might need to be disclaimed.

Why dont you think the disclaimer I put has no value. It is describing the whole book is for informational purposes, and all risks are on the reader
Why dont you think the disclaimer I put has no value.

Disclaimers can't absolve wrongdoers of the harm they cause.

General disclaimers aren't effective in ALL situations.

Disclaimers MIGHT prevent SOME lawsuits by discouraging SOME customers/patrons/clients from pursuing legal action.

It is believed that an average consumer MIGHT not be informed enough to discern the difference between a valid and an invalid disclaimer.

Disclaimers can be often be legally binding as long as they are not unfair and consumers can review and comprehend the disclaimer in it's entirety.

Lengthier opinions on the value or NOT of disclaimers:

Getting Creative with Disclaimers - The Book Designer

What is a Disclaimer & How to Write It: The Definitive Guide

Isn't there anything you can guess formulate based off my generalized info provided

Look...if you're willing to do or refrain from doing something based on a guess by an anonymous stranger on the internet, then go ahead and do whatever.

Why dont you think the disclaimer I put has no value. It is describing the whole book is for informational purposes, and all risks are on the reader

Just because you say it doesn't mean it is true.
I understand that disclaimers don't always cover everything. I'm looking to try to do the best i can with it. I don't think it will be a big issue, I just want to put that in there for good purposes. It doesn't have to be perfect just good enough, which is ok with me.

army judge said "Disclaimers can't absolve wrongdoers of the harm they cause."
I don't feel that I'm misleading or being a wrongdoer, I'm just trying to help people.

1 Zigner said ""common sense" is not a legal term."
Would it hurt the disclaimer as a whole to keep the phrase "common sense", or does it detract from the legality.

2 If I choose to use a disclaimer, and it is legally not required in my situation does it create legal problems, because I used one when I shouldn't have.

3 army judge are you saying that the disclaimer I wrote is of some value(on the bottom of my first post), and may cover some of the legal issues( I'm not referring to ignorance of the person as you mentioned), if that is the case then do I need to put warnings by every single item in question, or does the general disclaimer upfront cover most or some of the items in question.

4zddoodah said "Just because you say it doesn't mean it is true." zddoodah in your opinion why do you feel it has absolute 0 legal value, and not 25, 50, or 70 percent legal protection.
1 Zigner said ""common sense" is not a legal term."
Would it hurt the disclaimer as a whole to keep the phrase "common sense", or does it detract from the legality.
It has no legal effect.
I understand that disclaimers don't always cover everything. I'm looking to try to do the best i can with it. I don't think it will be a big issue, I just want to put that in there for good purposes. It doesn't have to be perfect just good enough, which is ok with me.

Then use what you wrote and put it right behind your title page.

Let that be the end of it.

But if you are still worried either talk to a lawyer or don't write the book.

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