Wrong Answers, what is this

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New Member
I have read at least 100 posts in different sections and the answers I read were just unbelieveable. I thought these forums were a place to ask for help, not to be told how big of a trouble you are in. If you cannot provide options to a problem, don't bother posting anything. More than half the people posting answers have no legal experience whatsoever and still post extremely low surfaced answers that just about anybody could provide. When you are posting a question, be detailed, provide as much information as you can and expect an answer from a person that knows what they're talking about. Wrong answer on a serious issue could change your life, don't relly on your car mechanic or plumber to answer a legal question. This is a great website, but be aware that not all answers (if it even is an answer) are good answers, do you research, get different opinions and if your issue is sirius, don't be affraid to spend couple hundred dollars on a legal assistant or a lawyer, it isn't as expensive as you think.

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