Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant wrong name & address on warrant

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I'm making this short because I just signed up & needto get to work.My home was raided by the OK task force about 4 months ago.On a Friday eva right after dark,4 carloads,didn't knock.Came in front & back entrance.Cuffed us & searched the house before issuing warrant, found pharphanilia(supposedly,I didn't see any proof).My girlfriend & an old friend & his girlfriend from Tennessee(whom I hadn't seen or talked to in at least 2 yrs) had just dropped by on their way to Kansas to visit relatives.They then took me outside & read my rights & issued the warrant.After about 2 hours of destroying the house they took myself & my buddy to the Lincoln County jail.Several of the officers stayed & intarragated my g/friend & my bud's g/friend for several more hours.Looking at girlie magazines & trying to get into the camera & computer.Bond was set at $25,000 ea for my g/frind & I.I hired the best attorney in town & our name wasn't even on the docket at the first hearing & the judge threw it out at the next one because they had the wrong name & address on the warrant.They still have 14 guns & we're out $5,000.Can I sue the lowlife flunkeys or am I not in AMERICA anymore!!!!!
wildturkey said:
I'm making this short because I just signed up & needto get to work.My home was raided by the OK task force about 4 months ago.On a Friday eva right after dark,4 carloads,didn't knock.Came in front & back entrance.Cuffed us & searched the house before issuing warrant, found pharphanilia(supposedly,I didn't see any proof).My girlfriend & an old friend & his girlfriend from Tennessee(whom I hadn't seen or talked to in at least 2 yrs) had just dropped by on their way to Kansas to visit relatives.They then took me outside & read my rights & issued the warrant.After about 2 hours of destroying the house they took myself & my buddy to the Lincoln County jail.Several of the officers stayed & intarragated my g/friend & my bud's g/friend for several more hours.Looking at girlie magazines & trying to get into the camera & computer.Bond was set at $25,000 ea for my g/frind & I.I hired the best attorney in town & our name wasn't even on the docket at the first hearing & the judge threw it out at the next one because they had the wrong name & address on the warrant.They still have 14 guns & we're out $5,000.Can I sue the lowlife flunkeys or am I not in AMERICA anymore!!!!!
I'm confused -- if they had the wrong name and address on the warrant, how did they get to your house? What did your attorney say regarding this? It would seem to be a colossal mistake on the surface, without more facts.
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