Wrong or not

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My sister was arrested on several charges, and was in the county jail for nearly 48 hours before they would give her her prescribed medication. She was charged with recieving and conceling stolen property, for something she has the reciept for. She was also charged with a few more serious crimes, but is not being treated fairly, not in my opinion anyhow. I realize she has done wrong, but dont we all deserve fair and equal treatment by law enforcement?

Jail is not supposed to be fun. You left out alot of details. Your sister should be speaking with her attorney.
My sister was arrested on several charges, and was in the county jail for nearly 48 hours before they would give her her prescribed medication.
Jails don't like allowing inmates to use their own medication until they can get it approved ... silly liability issues. Depending on the medication, it may not be all that vital. if she was injured by the deprivation she can see an attorney and make a claim to the county for her damages. merely being deprived of medication she wanted or was prescribed is not, by itself, going to result in successful litigation.

She was charged with recieving and conceling stolen property, for something she has the reciept for.
Having a receipt does not mean she did not know the item was stolen. That also doesn't tell us how she obtained the item. heck, perhaps she received a receipt without paying anything at all .. or perhaps she paid way under the market value of the item. in any event, we can't even guess on the validity of the charge as there are insufficient details to even make an educated shot in the dark.

She was also charged with a few more serious crimes,
Then the above stolen property issue should be the least of her worries.

but is not being treated fairly, not in my opinion anyhow. I realize she has done wrong, but dont we all deserve fair and equal treatment by law enforcement?
What kind of "fair treatment" are you asking for? the right to have her medication? Let's assume they DID allow her to take her medication ... say she then collapsed or went into seizures or had some other problem ... the jail would then absorb the liability. And what if the medication was something else entirely?

Sorry, but the jail has a right to evaluate the meds, obtain their own, or confirm the prescription. Again, if she was injured by being deprived of her meds, she can pay an attorney to make a claim for damages (that's damages, not what COULD have happened).

- Carl
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