Wrongful Arrearge, False Allegations, Purgery

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I was railroaded in court by my ex-wifes attorney. I was not represented.
I have paid 50k in arrearage over 4 yrs. they say i owe another 60K.
I was living with my ex-wife and children during the time they say i didnt pay the "medical insurance" for the chldren. We were divorced at that time under a marital settlement agreement, however i had a verbal aggreement with my ex-wife that she would pay the med insurance through her work because it was less expensive than mine . also i was giving her my paycheck every 2 weeks at this time...What can i do to have the wage garnishment temporarily stopped/suspended until i can retain good counsel , put a good case together and have this thing terminated ?? desparate and really short on money??
Your best bet is to get a lawyer ASAP....... You need a lawyer to evaluate the evidence and file relevant motions to arrest the situation. The law is quiet complex to solve such........
I was railroaded in court by my ex-wifes attorney. I was not represented.
I have paid 50k in arrearage over 4 yrs. they say i owe another 60K.
I was living with my ex-wife and children during the time they say i didnt pay the "medical insurance" for the chldren. We were divorced at that time under a marital settlement agreement, however i had a verbal aggreement with my ex-wife that she would pay the med insurance through her work because it was less expensive than mine . also i was giving her my paycheck every 2 weeks at this time...What can i do to have the wage garnishment temporarily stopped/suspended until i can retain good counsel , put a good case together and have this thing terminated ?? desparate and really short on money??

Of course you were screwed. You didn't do this right. I can show you how, and wha to do, and IF I can't, I will find somwone who doesn't depend on your money to do this crap. It's all BS, and when you learn, you will find just WHO OWES YOU!
Your best bet is to get a lawyer ASAP....... You need a lawyer to evaluate the evidence and file relevant motions to arrest the situation. The law is quiet complex to solve such........

Make sure you sign your rights away, and pay that fee first. THEN, AND ONLY THEN WILL YOU KNOW YOU HAVE RIGHTS.

When this country was founded, lawers were killed for having an office in town, Remember this.
To the average person, the law is not as easy to interpret or to take care of legal issues as you think............Law Army General...... You might be savvy enough to take care of any problem. But advising a novice of the law to go at it alone by simply following your guidelines or advice could be costly at the end. There are certain minor things you can advice an amateurs or novice to do..........But there is a limit. You must know what you can advice someone in good conscience to do without a lawyer. Many things can be done without one but some are important and the results in terms of financial cost/emotional cost over the years can be enormous.........Lawyer might not be the most honest people but they are needed in some cases by the average person............A word to the wise is enough.
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To the average person, the law is not as easy to interpret or to take care of legal issues as you think............Law Army General...... You might be savvy enough to take care of any problem. But advising a novice of the law to go at it alone by simply following your guidelines or advice could be costly at the end. There are certain minor things you can advice an amateurs or novice to do..........But there is a limit. You must know what you can advice someone in good conscience to do without a lawyer. Many things can be done without one but some are important and the results in terms of financial cost/emotional cost over the years can be enormous.........Lawyer might not be the most honest people but they are needed in some cases by the average person............A word to the wise is enough.

Really? How about "ignorance of the law is no excuse" ? You have a duty as a citizen of the USA to KNOW EVERY LAW ON THE BOOK. It can't be done, but that is what's expected.

People who hire "tax profesionals" or "lawyers" are victims of the system. How can you make money, and not have clue about the tax scheme? Or hire a lawyer, which I have proven in law, that can not help you, even if its your best friend. Once you sign that shyster client agreement, you already lost.

No body can justify hiring a peace of crap, for say $2500, when the max fine is $100. It's all a scam perpetrated by the lawyers. A lawyer can NEVER be a judge, but yet, all state judges are LAWYERS. Why? We have all been hoodwinked.
This case is in California, But I live in another state, can u help or reccommend some who can really help, w/o charging an arm and leg.. and be really effective, In having the garnishments suspended, temporary stay or otherwise terminated
This case is in California, But I live in another state, can u help or reccommend some who can really help, w/o charging an arm and leg.. and be really effective, In having the garnishments suspended, temporary stay or otherwise terminated

Yes, check your private messages.
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