Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Wrongful Arrest and wrongfully terminated

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I think I have a clear wrongfully arrested case, and a wrongfully terminated case. I had just received employee of the month in March 2008 and this took place on april 1st 2008.They fired the youngest employee. I was the only black girl there for a while and they would make black jokes.I was offered the opportunity to manage the store and a month later I was arrested and fired for another teller's shortage. I was there 8a-430p and she was there 4p-830p. There was a 500 dollar draw shortage at my job(check cashing).They did not even arrested the person who's drawer was short or take a statement from her. Only she held her key that day, and some how she was skipped over as a suspect of theft from her own drawer. I was not there when the shortage occurred. The manager of 5 years or so was there with her and they put it on me because i was there 30minutes with her. The manager broke store policy when she left the teller with me to get food on the clock i was not a "trained manager". The manager and district manager were good friends so i was the easiest to blame. If store policy was followed she would have been inside watching both employee's. She was outside the store for 30minutes within 15minutes of arriving at 4oclock. I was asked by the police(phone) to come give a statement of the day i worked and what occurred in the 30min that we were there together(this was 3 days later). when i went to give my statement the officer listen to what i had to say, which wasn't much because i didnt know much and he arrested me. They had a video of my hand in my shirt for a split second.The arresting officer also asked me were my bills behind, why did i need the money, he basically had his mind made before we sat down, He lied in his report and said that i admitted to "concealing the money in my shirt", i never adimitted that. When I asked him why was I being arrested, he told me it was my body language that gave me away, and he admitted to me that he saw no crime in the video but he could look in my eyes(after I was in handcuffs).Thats no reason to arrest anyone. When I went to trail he was asked if he had any special training in body reading and of course he didn't.I was told by a lawyer i was only arrested because the officer said i admitted to it. He put that in his report, he also stood on a stand and lied under oath about the events that day.No audio was recorded in the interveiw at the police station. When my trail arrived 7months later my verdict was very fast, under 5 minutes. He had no reason to arrest me. I was fired, arrested, my car was repossessed, i lost my apartment, i now live in a one bedroom with 2 other people, i was put in the dollar newspaper which had everybody in my life calling n asking what happened and looking at me as a theft, i have not been able to get a steady job since, employers always mention the grand theft arrested, I've had job offered taken back.I became very depressed and went on antidepressants for a few months, i was not able to get out of bed for months except going to court. i stopped going to college because i couldn't handle it all or afford it all. i went to trial and the charges were dropped. Seven juries saw the video and also did not see a crime, so how is that justified? During my case it was proved that he had no reason to arrest me besides his mind reading skills. I would like to get my life back. Do I have good cases?
Apparently a DA believed there was a good enough case to go to trial. Since this was a felony, that means there was likely a preliminary hearing. At the preliminary hearing, apparently a judge determined that there was sufficient probable cause to support the charge.

So, unless you can show (i.e. PROVE by a preponderance of the evidence) that the actions on the part of the employer or the police was malicious, and/or they just made stuff up and lied, it is going to be very difficult to prevail in a civil suit against either.

But, it probably would cost you nothing to consult with an attorney and ask what he or she might think. If the attorney does cartwheels and goes on line shopping for a new Mercedes saying he'll take the case on contingency, you have a good chance. if he simply tells you that you have a good case, but wants to be paid up front, it's going to be a coin toss or a loser.

- Carl
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