wrongful death?


New Member
My dad was recently shot twice in the head randomly while driving home.
Then the guy ran off with his car and ran into someone else, killing them as well.

How much can one sue for wrongful death? What is the cheapest way to find
out if the killer has any money? He is in police custody.
Start visiting attorneys and ask these questions. You will find that answers vary. You still have too to decide yourself who you want to proceed with.
You have lots of time. The suspect will have to be convicted first.
I have only known of one wealthy, maniacal killer.

The killer was known as Robert Durst.

You can read about her/him here: Robert Durst - Wikipedia

Most rage killers, in fact are deadbeats, stealing and begging their way in the world.

However, you might be able to receive something from this WA state agency.

If you or a loved one has suffered personal injury from a violent crime, the Washington State Crime Victim Compensation Program may be able to help.

This program was created to help victims with the many costs associated with violent crime. The program provides financial compensation to crime victims for such expenses as medical bills, loss of financial support, and funeral expenses. The amount we pay is reduced by any public or private insurance payments.

While no amount of compensation can erase the painful memories of violent crime, we hope this program will help in your recovery and ease some of the financial burdens you face.

About Crime Victims Compensation

Washington's Crime Victims Compensation Program began primarily as the result of a series of editorials in the early 1970s in the state's 2 major newspapers.

The theme of the editorials was that criminals were having their room and board and medical needs met by the state's prison system while victims were left with medical bills and other costs because of the offenders crime.

The Legislature deemed this unfair and in 1973 passed the Crime Victims Compensation Act.

This link explains who can file, and how to file for compensation from the State of Washington.

Who Can File and What is Covered

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