wrongfully accused of theft

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I am having some issues with my employer. My situation started on Friday, January 27th. I went into work at my normal time between 9:30 PM-9:45PM. I was met there by my assistant manager. When I got there, she told me that we need to talk, and not to do my nightly counts or clock in. She also told me that we were waiting for the store manager to arrive. I said ok, thinking that this maybe had something to do with me asking them to watch security tapes to see what time i had left Tuesday of that week. When the store manager got there, we went into the office and I sat down. she looked very upset. As soon as I had sat down, she told me that this meeting could go two ways, either bad, or worse. She then proceeded to tell me that a tape was missing and that I had stolen it. I immediatly told her that I hadn't taken anything at all and I had no idea what she was referring to. both managers kept repeating that "surveilance doesn't lie". I kept repeating myself telling her that i didnt take anything, and she had responded by telling me that nothing I had to say would change her mind. I had then asked what tape exactly was stolen, and they couldnt give me a tile, just a number (all of our movies are numbered) and told me that i should know the title of the movie. At this point, my mind was racing as to what they were talking about. They had never given me the chance to explain what may have happened. The first thing out of either of their mouths was, you stole this, and you had better confess. I was never asked if i knew anything about this, if maybe there had been a mistake, or even if i remember seeing the movie. the SM then proceeded to tell me that surveilance doesn't lie, and that I had better write a confession and return the stolen dvd by Monday (1/30) when one of the owners would be coming in to review the tape and to decide what action to take from there. I asked the SM what exactly they had on tape, and the ASM replied telling me that i was supposedly touching movies that i didnt need to, and putting a blue in the wall, meaning that the tape would have been sold.( they do not have me putting anything in my purse, or on me anywhere, just standing and touching a movie) I do not remember ever doing such a thing at all. That is a part of my job, I work at a video store. I touch movies my entire shift. the SM then told me that since i didnt confess, I should really think about it and the smart thing to do would be to write a confession and "look at my personal belongings and find the missing dvd" . She also said that I was indefinately suspended and not allowed to call the store, or be on the property at all until they investigated the matter. That was the end of the meeting. I was under the impression that when the owner came in on Monday that i would be updated as what was going to happen, and see the tape they were talking about, and possibly try to resolve the issue. I never recieved a call on Monday. I waited until Tuesday afternoon with no word at all about what was going on, so i called around 2:30PM Tuesday. I talked to the SM and asked her what was going on and when I could pick up my paycheck that I didn't recieve on Friday. She said that Im still not allowed to be on the property pending a full investigation into the matter. She then told me that I could come pick up my check Wednesday (today) while she was there between the hours of 8am-3pm. So this morning around 8:40AM I went into the store to pick up my paycheck. she was at the front counter helping a customer so I waiting patiently for her to be done so I could talk to her. She never acknowledged me. she had to go into the office for something for the customer, and when she returned, handed me my paycheck and i said thank you. She said nothing at all to me, and gave no impression that she had anything to say to me so I left. What I am wondering, is what, if anything can I do? I can't file for unemployment since technically, I am still employed. I am suspended, and as far as I know, it is unpaid,since no one has said otherwise. Im currently looking for another job, but i have a feeling that might be difficult since prospective employers usually want to know what is going on with your current employer, but it doesnt really look very good when im going to have to tell them that Im indefinitly suspended pending an investigation into possible theft. I dont know what to do. I have living expenses to pay and im getting no income. It will be a week on Friday since this has happened, and as of right now, i know nothing more, nor have I heard anything from them, other than what she told me on Tuesday when i called, which i already knew. I dont understand how they could not have anything new to tell me. I would think that if they were going to pursue theft charges, that they would have done that by now, or at least fire me. How long can they drag this out? I did nothing wrong. I thought about it and after the meeting, i remembered that a customer wanted to rent a movie, but when i went to pull the actual dvd for him, there was a blue in the wall where there shouldnt have been. I explained the mistake to the customer and he rented a different movie. I am almost positive that i left a note for Management letting them know of the mistake. Im not sure if this is the movie that they are suspending me for, but if so, they should have seen that note or tape and figured it out and not have just accused me right away.they havent given me the chance to tell them that maybe that is what happened because they wont hear what i have to say, management is convinced that i just stole the tape. I just dont understand. I asked them to review the security tapes to see when i had left the day following the suspected theft and if I had taken anything, I would know that they would see this.the SM told me that this supposedly happened Monday 1/23 around 3am which is closing time. I didnt do anything wrong, and i feel that they are just taking their time in looking into this. I have a feeling that when they see that nothing was stolen then they are going to try and find another reason to fire me. i know that is just an assumption, but thats the way it looks to me. I know that WI is an at-will state, but can they just take their sweet time while "investigating" this matter? If so, should i be paid for this time? Also, shouldnt they have looked into this before confronting me and not listening to me or giving me a chance to explain? If they are going to fire me, then id like to know so i can get on with my life, and then i will have to go to court to prove i did nothing wrong. I think i should get a lawyer, but i know they wont really be able to help me until my employer makes a decsion as to what action, if any, they are going to take. As of right now, i still have not seen the tape for myself. Any legal action i could take?
Honestly I would quit and look for a second job. If they cannot prove their claim, then likely nothing is going to happen here. You might want to talk to an employment lawyer to see if anything they are doing is illegal, but I would look for another job.
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