You have several issues in appealing a conviction pursuant to a general courts martial.
Right to an Attorney
You have the right to an attorney during your court-martial proceedings and all the way through every level of appeal you file. You can either use the military defense attorney (called a judge advocate) or hire a civilian attorney to represent you.
If a military member is convicted and sentenced in a General Court-Martial or Special Court-Martial trial, and after the post-trial clemency process is completed, the military member still has post-trial appeal opportunities.
Depending upon the length of the court-martial sentence, the military member can either appeal to the Judge Advocate General (TJAG) of his/her service branch or the military branch appellate court. The following appellate courts review military courts-martial:
- The Army Court of Criminal Appeals (ACCA)
These appellate courts review the courts martial for legal error, factual sufficiency, and appropriateness of sentence. The following post-trial rules govern the court-martial appeal process:
- Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM)
Chapter XII: Appeals and Review
- RCM 1201: Action by the Judge Advocate General
- RCM 1202: Appellate Counsel
- RCM 1203: Review by a Court of Criminal Appeals
- RCM 1204: Review by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
- RCM 1205: Review by the Supreme Court
- RCM 1206: Powers and Responsibilities of the Secretary
- RCM 1207: Sentences Requiring Approval by the President
- RCM 1208: Restoration
- RCM 1209: Finality of Courts-Martial
- RCM 1210: New Trial
- UCMJ Article 62: Appeal by the United States
- UCMJ Article 63: Rehearings
- UCMJ Article 64: Review by a Judge Advocate
- UCMJ Article 65: Disposition of Records
- UCMJ Article 66: Review by Court of Criminal Appeals
- UCMJ Article 67: Review by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
- UCMJ Article 68: Branch Offices
- UCMJ Article 69: Review in the Office of the Judge Advocate General
- UCMJ Article 70: Appellate Counsel
- UCMJ Article 71: Execution of Sentence; Suspension of Sentence
- UCMJ Article 72: Vacation of Suspension
- UCMJ Article 73: Petition for a New Trial
- UCMJ Article 74: Remission and Suspension
- UCMJ Article 75: Restoration
- UCMJ Article 76: Finality of Proceedings, Findings, and Sentences
The appellate process is rigid, as well as perfunctory.
After 15 years, confined or not, the appellate process has tolled.
Although a military member may have been convicted and sentenced in a court-martial trial, and the conviction and sentence may have been approved by the courts martial Convening Authority in the post-trial clemency process, there are still opportunities for relief and/or appeal.
As you've discovered, courts martial conviction and sentence can have devastating legal, professional, personal and family consequences. Experienced and aggressive defense representation is crucial in the post-trial appeal phase of a military court-martial trial.
If you took a plea, there's no way out.
If you were convicted, you can seek a full presidential pardon.
Those are rare, extremely rare.
You can seek clemency through the Secretary of Defense, and/or the president. Again, that's rare, too.
The last time I attended a briefing on military appeals, it was revealed that appellate relief is granted in fewer than 10% of all cases.
Pardons are less than 1%, and clemency about 3-4% of all cases.
You can ask for help by writing or corresponding with one of your US Senators, your congressperson, the SecDef, SecArmy (who as some limited ability to grant relief), and/or the sitting president.
You might find this article instructive:
Appealing a Military Court-Martial Conviction |