Yes sir, I was convicted in a General Court-Martial, The year of the incident was 2001, but my court martial was in 2002. The DNA results came in November of 2001 while I was in pre-trial confinement at Ft. Sill, OK which I also did the rest of my sentence at. My highest rank was
E-3, but it was reduced to E-1 after my court martial to more or less make it work out that the guards outranked the people confined. I was told that the appeal packet was sent out in 2006, but I wasnt living at the address on my 214, and I havent for a long time. I have a theory that alot of it had to do with the fact that it was at Ft. Leonard Wood, just because something like that going unsolved would make the CID and MP look bad, and they both train at that post. I think the girls dad was some kind of decorated veteran as well, so I dont know how much that mattered, but I just spend alot of time trying to wrap my head around the whole situation still. I've thought about contacting all kinds of groups, and I actually have a lady who writes for some newspaper calling tomorrow for a phone interview with me about it, but I also know she's not an attorney, but she's seen my DNA paperwork and my 214. I would like to think that something like this wouldnt fly in this country, but every time I've tried to do something, I pretty much hit a wall. In reality, I dont care too much anymore about my military discharge status; I'd rather just be off of the sex offender registry for something I didnt even do. Its hard to hold a job because people just simply dont want to be associated with people on the registry, which is somewhat understandable. In all reality, youre probably the only person that has really even been curious about it lol