Wrongfully Terminated for Alleged Misconduct and Safety

New Mexico
Wrongfully Terminated for Alleged Misconduct and Safety
  • On October 17, 2015 hired as Motor Coach Operator Q00 (City Bus Driver) from the City of Albuquerque, NM Transit Dept.
  • On January 15, 2019 – Falsely accused of violating City's Code of Conduct and Safety on five different incidents and was terminated.
  • On January 24, 2019 AFSCME file for remedy; request I be made whole to include lost wages, accruals, benefits and any other relief found necessary.
  • On February 15, 2019 Unemployment office Notice of Determination concluded they didn't provide sufficient evidence to establish misconduct connected with work.
My three objectives are to file lawsuits against
  1. Lawsuit Against - Albuquerque City Transit for violation of Contract of Union Agreement, and Seeking possible lawsuit against the City:
    • Defamation, Slander and Libel
    • Racial Discrimination in the Workplace
    • Rethinking the Business Judgment Rule in Discrimination Cases
    • Other?
  2. Lawsuit Against - AFSCME Local 624 for violation of Contract of Union Agreement:
    • Dereliction of Duty and Abandonment of Representation
  3. Return and finish my career driving as an MCO
Lawsuit Against Albuquerque City Transit

Three investigations were initiated by passenger complaints, one protecting myself from a violent passenger with a hatchet, other retaliated against a person who spate on me. All alleged policy violations were irrelevant to the incidents and fabricated to make it appear as though a purposely violated some City Personnel Rule and Regulation, Administrative Instruction, and Departmental Operating Procedure.

On July 18, 2018 I was placed on temporary reassignment for investigations regarding allegations of inappropriate conduct that may constitute violations of the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations. During these investigations I was assigned to sweeping out incoming busses in the Maintenance Division within the Transit Department. My Title, Grade and Salary remained the same.

Please note on all Predetermination Hearing Notice's in the second paragraph begins with, "If the allegations are found to have merit, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination of employment."

As you observe the videos, the allegations don't have merit as well as the supposed policy violations. Furthermore, these supposed policy violations had nothing to do with my work performance, ability nor lack thereof. Since my hire data of October 17, 2015 up unto January 15, 2019 my work performance and attendance excellent. Only negative marks:
  • A supervisor accused me with no proof of doing 31MPH in a 25MPH speed zone 30 mins prior to the actual area where the passenger complained I was speeding. The actual complaint was false.
  • After my six months training, I began solo driving between the months of April 2016 to July 2017 and I was written-up once for driving off route after the eighth time. This should've been expected since I never worked driving bus routes, had to learn crossing routes as well as driving multiple routes in one day. It was confusing at the beginning.
  • Missed one day from work due to a Child Support Hearing.
  • Maybe came late to work 5 times, but consistently was always 20 minutes to 2 plus hours early to work before 1st and 2nd shifts (split shift schedule with 2-4 hours between).
Incidents with Alleged Policy Violations

1. On April 24, 2017 – Retaliation after a Passenger Spate on Me
  • No video, transit claims it can't be found
2. On January 20, 2018 – Defending Myself Against/Removing Passenger w/Hatchet
  • Video of Incident Available
3. On June 27, 2018 – Passenger Alleged Description of Road Rage
  • Video of Incident Available
4. On July 10, 2018 – Passenger Alleged Description of Road Rage
  • Video of Incident Available
5. On July 17, 2018 – Passenger Alleged Description of Incident/Policy Violations
  • Video of Incident Available
Transit Department Violations of Union Agreement

1. According to Local Union Agreement - 24. DISCIPLINE and INVESTIGATIONS, Section Throughout the investigation period, the Union may request a verbal progress report on the investigation from the human resources coordinator or the employee's division manager. The Supervisor shall provide this report provided the report does not jeopardize the conduct of the investigation. An employee disciplinary investigation shall normally not exceed forty-five (45) days from the date an employee receives a notice of investigation as cited in paragraph 3 herein.

If the supervisor determines that the investigation needs to be extended beyond the forty-five (45) day limitation, the supervisor shall submit a written notice of extension to the employee no later than forty-five (45) days after the employee received the initial notice of investigation.
  • No provision for reassignment during an investigation.
  • No provision for extending an investigation up to six-month or more.

    According to the City Condition of Employment Code 300, Section 301, Sub Paragraph 301.1 Professional Excellence, which reads: Employees are encouraged to strive for personal and professional excellence as a means of keeping current on relevant issues and administering the public's business with professional competence, efficiency and effectiveness.
2. According to Local Union Agreement - 24. DISCIPLINE and INVESTIGATIONS, 24.1.1 All complaints from citizens against drivers will be accepted by the Transit Department. Citizen complaints that might result in disciplinary action or a loss of pay for alleged "gross misconduct" as defined in Department policy will be in writing.
  • According to New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions – When applying for unemployment, judgement was against the Transit Department: Notice of Determination - Unemployment Insurance Operations Center, "You discharged the claimant for violating a rule or policy, however, you have not presented sufficient evidence to establish misconduct connected with the work. You discharged the claimant for violating the following rule or policy: Conduct. Safety."

    Section 51-1-7A NMSA 1978. Your account is liable for benefits paid based on this period of employment under Section 51-1-11 NMSA 1978.
3. According to Local Union Agreement - 24. DISCIPLINE and INVESTIGATIONS, 24.1.7 Nothing in this Section shall prevent the employer from disciplining or discharging employees for just cause. Any such decision may be subject to the grievance procedure.
  • There was no just cause for discipline nor discharge.
4. According to Local Union Agreement - 24. DISCIPLINE and INVESTIGATIONS, 24.1.8 When discipline is to be imposed, progressive discipline will be considered when it appears that the merits of the case would lend itself to this procedure.
  • There were no merits to the passenger's nor Transit's allegations.
5. According to Local Union Agreement - 0.3 Scope of Agreement, 0.3.3 Under normal circumstances, the Union will be given prior notice of proposed changes in City or department wide written policies that directly affect bargaining unit employee working conditions. The Union will be given fourteen (14) days from the time of notice to provide input. This input period may or may not delay implementation, but may-require revision or cancellation of the originally proposed policy.

The parties may agree to extend time limits by mutual consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing commitment, neither party shall be required to negotiate any issue during the term of this Agreement, whether the issue is contained in this Agreement or not part of this Agreement, unless specifically mandated by another provision of this Agreement.
  • There is no notice of proposed changes regarding reassignments during investigation nor investigations allowed to take up to six months or more.
6. According to Local Union Agreement - 0.1 Preamble, 0.1.1 The general purpose of this Agreement is to: Provide for the fair treatment of City Transit MCOs and SVCs; Provide for the prompt and amicable adjustment of disputes which may arise out of the application or interpretations of this Agreement or otherwise; Provide for such other arrangements which may be deemed advisable by the parties hereto to safeguard their respective interests and establish and maintain harmonious relationships;

7. According to Local Union Agreement - 40.7 Savings Clause, 40.7.1 Should any part of this Agreement be rendered invalid by reason of an existing or subsequent legislation, or be any decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
  • There were no parts of this Agreement made invalid by any reason of any body.
8. According to Local Union Agreement - 40.6 Assignability Clause, 40.6.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assignees of the parties hereto, and no provisions, terms, or obligations herein contained shall be affected, modified, altered or changed in any respect whatsoever by any change of ownership or management by either party; or by any change, geographical or otherwise in the location or business of either party.
  • This Agreement is bind and can't be altered in any respect whatsoever.
9. According to Local Union Agreement - 40.2 Entire Agreement / Changes, 40.2.1 It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement is the only existing Agreement between the parties and replaced any and all previous agreements. 40.2.2 It is understood and agreed that changes in this Agreement may be made at any time upon the mutual consent of the parties signatory to this Agreement. No changes in hours, benefits, working conditions will be made without the parties meeting and conferring.

40.2.3 The parties have had the full opportunity to negotiate all mandatory subjects of bargaining prior to reaching final agreement on this Agreement. The parties have negotiated in good faith and have reached a full agreement on all issues. This Agreement shall represent the only agreement between the parties. All other agreements, written or verbal, shall be unenforceable.

Neither party shall be required to negotiate any issue, whether contained in this Agreement or not, during the term of this the City's commitment to meet and confer in good faith with the Union on all proposed Agreement. This provision shall not be interpreted in a manner that negates changes in ordinances or policies that affect employees' terms or conditions of employment.
  • Where is or when did the change in the Cities ordinances or policies regarding investigations to change the work condition of the MCO and allowed up to six month or more to investigate an incident?
10. According to Local Union Agreement - 37.2 Statutes and Ordinances, 37.2.1 It is recognized by the parties hereto that the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a creature of the State of New Mexico and therefore possesses only those powers granted to it by the State of New Mexico. It is further recognized and agreed by both parties hereto that this Agreement must be consistent with, not in conflict with, and cannot supersede the statutes of the Federal or State governments or the Employee Relations Ordinance and laws of the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Therefor Final Action June 27, 2018 is unlawful - Personnel Rules & Regulations, Section 301. Code of Conduct. Paragraph 301.1 — Duty to the Public (March 5, 2015), which reads in part: "The City of Albuquerque is a public service institution. In carrying out their assigned duties and responsibilities, employees must always remember their first obligation is to the general public's safety and wellbeing. This obligation must be carried out within the framework of federal, state and local laws.

    Employees shall serve the public with respect, concern, courtesy and responsiveness, recognizing service to the public is the reason for their employment."

    • Finding: 301.1 Duty to the Public: failed to carry out his duties and responsibilities to the general public when he displayed road rage by stopping the bus on the roadway next to a car that was in the right hand tum lane and engaged in a heated argument that escalated to threats of physical violence with the driver.

      He almost rear ended a car that had come to a stop in front of the bus. He then followed a vehicle that struck the mirror of the bus on Carlisle and stopped behind the vehicle in the left hand turn lane at Carlisle and Lomas to report the license plate number to dispatch. He then moved from the left lane turn lane across three lanes into the right turn lane and made an illegal right turn on a red light.

    • Under the New Mexico State law, this is a $10 dollar fine.
11. According to Local Union Agreement - 37.1 Operator's Rules and Regulations, 37.1.1 It is recognized by the parties that it is a management right to establish and change Operator's and SVCs Rules and Regulations and other policies. It is further recognized that management will solicit input from the Union on any changes to the existing Operator's Rules and Regulations and other policies.

The Union will meet to discuss recommendations for consideration on the Operator's Rules and Regulations and other policies with the Director or his/her designee during the third week in January and other mutually agreed upon times.

The general purpose of this section is to provide fair, equal, and consistent treatment to all City Motor Coach Operators and SVCs. Within 30 days of the ratification of the U.T.U. contract, management will convene a meeting to solicit input from the Union on the proposed Driver's Rules and Regulations. The Union Eric have 15 days to review and respond to the proposed changes in the Operators Rules and Regulations manual.
  • There were no provisions, additions nor changes made to this contract allowing Transit to reassign MCO's work condition during an investigation nor,

  • Allow the investigation to continue past 45 days nor an extension of said 45 days up to six months or more.
Lawsuit Against Local Union

Here's my problem and concern, after the filing I made several attempts to contact the local union president (cell text msg, email, voice message and stopping by the union hall) regarding my case and have not received any responses. Their reputation at this office before and during my employment is they virtually offer no help nor protection for their drivers.

This union basically is nonexistent, has no interest in the well-being of the drivers. The 1) President of the union, 2) Deputy Director, Transit Department, 3) Assistant Transit Manager, Transit Department, 4) Transit Department Senior Personnel/Labor Relations Officer work together to terminate MCO's.

Their purpose is to make a very difficult for drivers to the point of either 1) resigning, 2) quit, 3) transfer to another department or 4) falsify any incident to make it appear as though it was the driver's fault to eventually terminate them.

Why do they do this? All seasoned drivers know It's done in order to make sure there is not enough drivers, so the department can qualify for as much Federal Funds as possible for the upcoming year for training new drivers, but only a small portion is used for that purpose.

The sequences of events leading to my dismissal I feel it was abusive, malice, harassment, retaliation, targeted and because of my ethnicity. I need help in determining if I have grounds for a lawsuit against the Union for Dereliction of Duty and Abandonment of Representation.

Local Union Violations of Union Agreement

1. Local Union Violations of Union Agreement - 1.3 Union Rights, 1.3.3 Sub Paragraph; For Union Presidents. Union business is defined as business performed by designated union representatives which facilitates the applications of this agreement, assists in employee management matters, resolves conflicts, assists in positive labor/management relations between Employees and the City or which involves matters directly related to representation of the bargaining unit members which are also beneficial to the City of Albuquerque. This shall include preparation for and attendance of predetermination hearings, grievances, meetings scheduled between the Union and the City, Labor Board filings, and Personnel Board filings. In their absence, Union Presidents may designate persons to use president's time.
  • Union President, failed to attend nor designate a person to attend any of my predetermination hearings, and

  • With no justifiable and lawful reasons drop representation to attend scheduled meetings with the City regarding my case.
2. Local Union Violations of Union Agreement - 1.3 Union Rights, 1.3.3 Sub Paragraph; For an authorized union representative designated by the Union President, Union business is defined as attending a predetermination hearing requested by a bargaining unit employee, a grievance hearing when requested by a bargaining unit employee or an arbitration/Labor board hearing, or other matters directly affecting employees represented by the union.

3. Local Union Violations of Union Agreement - 24. DISCIPLINE and INVESTIGATIONS, 24.2 Investigations - 24.2.3, The Human Resources Office and the Union President shall continue to meet to discuss issues of mutual concern related to disciplinary and supervision issues.
  • Union President made no affords to discuss issues of mutual concerns nor address Union contracted agreements that were violated by Transit.
Events and Communications with Transit and Union

Below are major communications and events from July 18, 2018 to Sept 13, 2019, in the Five Months and Twenty Nine Days of Abuse, Harassment, Defamation, Safety Endangerment, Dereliction of Duty and Abandonment of Representation by Transit Department; Deputy Director, Transit Department Senior Personnel/Labor Relations Officer, Yale Station Assistant Transit Manager, and AFSCME Local 624; Union President.
  • Full Document Available
Events of Communications with Union

Below are my attempts to communicate with the Union regarding my case against the City Transit Dept from January 23, 2019 to Sept 13, 2019, and in these Five Months and Twenty Nine Days, I discovered Transit Department; Associate Director, Transit Department Senior Personnel/Labor Relations Officer and AFSCME Local 624; Union President attempting to keep me from the communications and court appearances to control the outcome of my return without me. After discovering this, the Union President abandon representation for no apparent reason.
  • Full Document Available
If I'm missing any details let me know. I've provided everything I would provide for an Attorney to read and videos to view.

Thanks for your help!...
You can't hire an attorney through this website.
I stopped reading that missive after the third sentence.
If you need a lawyer, which you shouldn't if you were a member of AFSCME working under a CBA.
I suggest you hire an attorney in your county, or ask the union if you can have an attorney.

This website can do nothing to assist you with a complex employment matter except suggest you hire an attorney, or let it go and move on with your life.

If your union has abandoned you, chances are your legal position is very weak.

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