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Hey Moose, did you understand my "you aren't a lawyer post?" I wasn't putting you down. I was pointing out that you have a mentality of a policeman that says, "If we don't have a case we shouldn't try." I totally agree in your line of work. Lawyers, on the other hand, will throw bull shit up on the wall to see if it sticks. That was my point. I was being NICE when I said you weren't a lawyer. Understand?

I must be overlooking it, I can't find the "Edit Post" option?, surely we are allowed to edit our own threads we posted?

thank you for your time.

I must be overlooking it, I can't find the "Edit Post" option?, surely we are allowed to edit our own threads we posted?

thank you for your time.
If you look at my posts you will know I'm an attorney. You are rude and obnoxious to someone who was trying to give you free advice. All you had to do was ask a follow up question. Instead you acted like a jerk.
If our really a lawyer then u would know that the first consultation is usually free, so u have a lot of nerves talking about me getting free advice!
You have a pretty thin skin you jerk. I wasn't being an ass I was being serious. You have a lot of nerve to be a jerk when you are asking for free advice. I hope you get what you deserve.
Hey, make sure you check the date of a thread before you answer it. If it is over a few months old don't answer as it is a dead thread. I did that when I first started on this board, people will get irritated. Click "new posts" to find only the posts that are new.
I was a mortgage broker for 15 years in GA. If you need me I'll help you rewrite your contracts and find someone that will understand how to do your loan.


I have not had the pleasure of conversing with you before, but just wanted to drop in quickly and say I was quite impressed with your well-measured, restrained, and (still) accommodating response to JV27403's uncalled for ghetto comment.

American Marrying a Canadian with a MILLION questions. How did you miss this one....?