Wife taking advantage of husband with PA alimony laws

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I am posting this question in regards to my best friend who is being horribly wronged by his wife. He is an outstanding citizen, soldier, and father (he basically raised the kids himself, and continues to financially aid them); she was an absent parent, adultress, and drug-addict/alcoholic. They waited until the kids grew up to finally separate, which was a few years ago, but as I understand PA state law does not count that as anything--you're either married or divorced.

He has paid her health insurance, rehab costs, costs of medications, and car payments even though they have separated. However that isn't enough--she just sued him for alimony, and won: she lied on the forms and claimed that she has no income, even though the truth is that she is working under-the-table for her current boyfriend (with whom she has lived for the past couple of years). Thus, according to PA state law, my friend must now pay 40% of the difference of their income in alimony payments. According to the judge it doesn't matter who did what in the marriage--it's all about the numbers.

He's also being screwed with the house: both of their names are on it, but sine she is lazy and lies about having no income, it's up to him to spend the $3,000 on repairs in order to put it on the market, with the hopes that he'll break even. As if that isn't enough, she is now suing him for half of his retirement. If you ask me, she is a vile and dispicable human being for doing this to someone that has taken care of her all these years.

These are my questions: She is obviously using the system unjustly, so how can my friend protect himself from completely ruined by this woman? Also, is there any way for him to reduce the amount of alimony he is now unjustly being forced to pay? And finally, she will undoubtedly do anything she can to slow down the divorce so that she can continue receiving alimony payments... how can my friend rush the divorce before he loses everything?

I do have a bonus question, but I think the answer is "no": can my friend sue her for anything at all? She is basically ruining his life, even though he has done nothing but take care of her. I thank any responder in advance for your guidance!
I am posting this question in regards to my best friend who is being horribly wronged by his wife. He is an outstanding citizen, soldier, and father (he basically raised the kids himself, and continues to financially aid them); she was an absent parent, adultress, and drug-addict/alcoholic. They waited until the kids grew up to finally separate, which was a few years ago, but as I understand PA state law does not count that as anything--you're either married or divorced.

He has paid her health insurance, rehab costs, costs of medications, and car payments even though they have separated. However that isn't enough--she just sued him for alimony, and won: she lied on the forms and claimed that she has no income, even though the truth is that she is working under-the-table for her current boyfriend (with whom she has lived for the past couple of years). Thus, according to PA state law, my friend must now pay 40% of the difference of their income in alimony payments. According to the judge it doesn't matter who did what in the marriage--it's all about the numbers.

He's also being screwed with the house: both of their names are on it, but sine she is lazy and lies about having no income, it's up to him to spend the $3,000 on repairs in order to put it on the market, with the hopes that he'll break even. As if that isn't enough, she is now suing him for half of his retirement. If you ask me, she is a vile and dispicable human being for doing this to someone that has taken care of her all these years.

These are my questions: She is obviously using the system unjustly, so how can my friend protect himself from completely ruined by this woman? Also, is there any way for him to reduce the amount of alimony he is now unjustly being forced to pay? And finally, she will undoubtedly do anything she can to slow down the divorce so that she can continue receiving alimony payments... how can my friend rush the divorce before he loses everything?

I do have a bonus question, but I think the answer is "no": can my friend sue her for anything at all? She is basically ruining his life, even though he has done nothing but take care of her. I thank any responder in advance for your guidance!

Let's address the "bonus" question first.
yes, he can sue.
He won't win.

She'll get half of his military retirement.
That will come later.
If he's retired now, that should reduce any alimony.

He's being screwed because it sounds as if he has no lawyer, or a bad lawyer.
He should get a better lawyer, or get a lawyer.
That is the only way to beat this.
He will never do it without a lawyer.

How will he beat it (or get it reduced)?
That's how a lawyer will help.
He does have a lawyer, one who is supposed to be one of the best in the area when it comes to divorce. Can she really get half of his retirement? I mean, she cheated on him, did/still does drugs & was/is a drunk, the children can all testify on his behalf, and she was the one who left him in the first place. (for another man) She's been a registered member of sugardaddy.com for years--all she wants is money money money, and doesn't care if she screws over her children or the man who has taken care of her for decades. Is the law so messed up that someone like her can steal so much from a good person? Are there any loopholes? I know it probably sounds idealistic or naive, but would a letter to my congressman help?
He does have a lawyer, one who is supposed to be one of the best in the area when it comes to divorce. Can she really get half of his retirement? I mean, she cheated on him, did/still does drugs & was/is a drunk, the children can all testify on his behalf, and she was the one who left him in the first place. (for another man) She's been a registered member of sugardaddy.com for years--all she wants is money money money, and doesn't care if she screws over her children or the man who has taken care of her for decades. Is the law so messed up that someone like her can steal so much from a good person? Are there any loopholes? I know it probably sounds idealistic or naive, but would a letter to my congressman help?

I don't know why people tolerate this crap for years, and then want to do "something"?
He should cross complain against her for adultery, abandonment, mental cruelty, and emotional abuse (or similar charges in your jurisdiction).

Yes, if she was married to him for at least half of his military career, she'll get half of his retirement; unless she takes a cash buyout.

She'll also get lifetime military medical care and an ID card.

He should have sued her for divorce years ago, not just let it linger.
He can still try to do that.
That's actually not a bad idea... because she definitely has put him through all that. I will suggest that to him, thank you.

All I can say on his behalf, from talking with his 3 now-adult children and himself and hearing all of their sides of the story, my friend did not sue her for divorce earlier because of the kids--he was always covering up for his wife's antics & wanted to make sure his marital problems did not effect the kids negatively, so waited to do any type of separation or divorce until the kids left home. At that time they separated, he and the wife did reach a verbal agreement that he would pay for her health insurance and med costs and other miscellaneous financial bills (she had a lot of debt), and in exchange she would not sue him for anything. Well, she's obviously not holding up her end of the deal which is why he's in this mess now.

Again, thanks for the advice! I will help him search for a better lawyer.
This sounds like an emotional mess from all sides. I completely agree with Army suggesting "clean up' litigation. 'Poo bother on what kept him by her for so long, sometimes acting without merit - or more bluntly NOT acting with merit...doesn't always bode well!!!

Been there being the friend of someone in a similar situation, but sticking one's head in the sand with eyes wide open leads to difficulty in seeing clearly. Wash the sand out of his eyes, and schedule a new tactical approach to a well deserving "lady".

Best wishes to you/friend!!!
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