At-Fault car accident, reckless driving charge.

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I recently got into a pretty messy car accident where I hit someone's car, flipping my own. It all started when me and him were both merging into an exit lane off the highway to get to our city of residence. We were both getting off a prior highway exit to merge into another highway and then to our city exit. Once we got off the first exit, I was behind him, signaled and began merging to the far right exit lane. There were a few lanes that we both had to merge into. The whole way through, he wasn't signalling at all. I had gotten into the exit lane first. The nose of my car passed the rear of his when he started merging into the exit lane, nearly colliding with my car. I honked my horn to warn him I was there and passed by him. He is now behind me, fully merged into the exit lane. We both get to a red light, my intention was to turn right, his was to go straight. He passes by my car and proceeds to throw something, I don't know what, with liquid at my car, splattering it all over the side of my car. It made a noise loud enough to startle me. I was of course agitated by this and tailed after him, phone in hand, dialing 911. My intention was to get down his license plate and relay it to the operator. I guess you could say a short chase ensued(we weren't going 80 on a 35 or anything, but certainly 10 or so mph over the speed limit. Probably around 40-50). I follow him down the road till we get to a light that was blinking red. He rounds the corner and turns right, I follow suit and he immediately break checks me. I try swerving out of the way but instead hit the lower left side of his car and flip my own. I was ok, except for a few cuts and a bruised elbow. He seemed fine as well as he drove back home after the Police came and got down all the ins and outs needed after a car accident. My car was towed, his had damage to the lower left side of his car door, but was otherwise operable and he drove it home.

I'm a 20 year old, with a DL a little under a year old(it was issued in December of 2015). I have no criminal record. I've never been pulled over or had any other driving infractions save for one $20 ticket that I just recently got for parking a bit too close to a fire hydrant at my school(wasn't a fire lane). I suppose I'm asking for some advice and insight on the matter? It's all still fairly fresh in my head and I hardly know what to think. I'm sure the insurance will go up. My car didn't seem totaled but who knows how the Insurance company will look at it. I do have a court date on October 12 regarding this situation, with the charge being Reckless Driving. Will this haunt me later on in life to a great degree? I'm currently aiming to apply at a Police Department once I turn 21. Is this now out of the question?
The Officer that wrote up the statements charged us both with Reckless Driving, so I'd assume I'm not solely at fault here.
You will likely face increased insurance rates for a time, and will certainly face scrutiny by any potential law enforcement employer. Your speed and your actions behind the wheel will definitely be an issue as they evaluate your maturity and judgment for such a position.
The Officer that wrote up the statements charged us both with Reckless Driving, so I'd assume I'm not solely at fault here.

Yes, you are.

That you were both cited doesn't mean you were both negligent in causing the accident.

Absolutely no harm had come to you until you chased him down and hit him. You could have, and should have, backed off and let him go but I suppose that was out of the question for a hot headed 20 year old.

Your insurance company will pay, your policy will be surcharged for the next 3 years, if they keep you at all.

As for the reckless driving citation, I suggest you hire a lawyer. Whatever it costs, you do not want a reckless driving conviction on your license record.

"If you are found guilty of reckless driving, you can face up to 30 days in jail, fines of up to $300, loss of license, and more."

Connecticut Reckless Driving Laws - CT Reckless Driving Ticket - Criminal Traffic Offenses in Connecticut.
Yes, you are.

That you were both cited doesn't mean you were both negligent in causing the accident.

Absolutely no harm had come to you until you chased him down and hit him. You could have, and should have, backed off and let him go but I suppose that was out of the question for a hot headed 20 year old.

Your insurance company will pay, your policy will be surcharged for the next 3 years, if they keep you at all.

As for the reckless driving citation, I suggest you hire a lawyer. Whatever it costs, you do not want a reckless driving conviction on your license record.

"If you are found guilty of reckless driving, you can face up to 30 days in jail, fines of up to $300, loss of license, and more."

Connecticut Reckless Driving Laws - CT Reckless Driving Ticket - Criminal Traffic Offenses in Connecticut.

The Officers didn't seem to think so. They wholly believed we were both at fault. The one that took our statements even said he would've likely done the same if put in my situation.

I was supposed to let someone that was already driving oddly(shortly after coming up behind him on the first mentioned highway exit, he nearly swerved off the highway road and hit the barricade), nearly collides into me while trying to merge into an exit lane, and throws something at my car? As far as I know, it could've been a beer bottle. It caused a loud enough noise to pass for it. I wasn't tailing after him to find out where he lives to commit a home invasion, I was just getting his license plate number. I was just about to head home when we rounded a corner and he came to a dead stop on a highway road.

Thanks for the advice.
The Officers didn't seem to think so. They wholly believed we were both at fault. The one that took our statements even said he would've likely done the same if put in my situation.

It doesn't matter what the police think. It's irrelevant.

What you did was stupid. Hopefully you learned a lesson.

You are charged with a crime. If I was you I'd retain an attorney to represent me in court.
It doesn't matter what the police think. It's irrelevant.

What you did was stupid. Hopefully you learned a lesson.

You are charged with a crime. If I was you I'd retain an attorney to represent me in court.

I already got one.

I guess if someone's breaking into my car, I should just let them go as well. Or if someone's keying my car. The only thing that I learned was that pricks will remain pricks. Any how, I'm guessing I've gotten about all the relevant information from here and all the moral talk-down I could endure so I likely won't come back. Mods, feel free to lock this. I'd like it if my account was deactivated but I don't know how that'll go. Doesn't much matter to me as I won't be using it anymore.
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