Blog title

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New Member
I am planning on creating a blog whose name is taken from the title of a film. The .com domain under which I will register it will also be the title of this film. The content of the blog has no connection to the film itself, however this title happens to be a nice word game for the blog theme, that is why it was chosen. I am looking for confirmation that everything is fine with this from a legal/copyright perspective.
Thank you very much in advance.
Notwithstanding the existence of some international treaties, copyright and trademark laws vary from country to country (and this is a trademark issue, not a copyright issue).

Notwithstanding that this site allows posters to select non-U.S. jurisdictions, this site deals with issues of U.S. law only (why the site allows the selection of other jurisdictions I don't know).

I suggest you consult with an attorney in your country. All I can really tell you is that (under U.S. law), it would probably matter greatly how successful the film was and whether it's something like "Liar Liar" or "Star Wars" or "Jurassic Park."
I am looking for confirmation that everything is fine with this from a legal/copyright perspective.

You appear to reside in Germany.

I suggest you discuss your concerns with a lawyer proficient in German and EU laws, because you live in Germany.

None of our posters knows much about EU or German law.
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