Run for cover

If our political climate isn't already ugly enough, it is about to become hideous. I fear for the fallout this will bring. Her death is at the worst possible time.
If our political climate isn't already ugly enough, it is about to become hideous. I fear for the fallout this will bring. Her death is at the worst possible time.

My prediction is that Leader McConnell will allow a vote, if President Trump nominates a person for the Court.

However, there will be heated discussions over the next few days.

Bear in mind that the elephants have a slim three seat majority.

That said, three elephants are flaky at best: Romney (UT), Murkowski (AK), and Collins (ME).

Two more wild rogues are Gardner from CO and McSally from AZ.
Gardner and McSally are fighting for reelection.

Collins is in a heated fight for her seat this year, too.

She might be persuaded to work with Leader McConnell, or could see an affirmative vote as some red meat for the elephant pack's base to turn out in greater numbers.

At this point I'd set the odds of Leader McConnell going forward with a nomination at 6:5.

Frankly, I think Trump wants to send up a nomination, but he knows the "Three Rogues" are in play.

Plus, Senator Graham has said he'd be against it under these circumstances.
Some of you know my husband is a political analyst.

He had named the exact same three senators as being questionable. It is his opinion that Senator Collins, who is in a very tight race, might hurt herself by voting to fill the seat at this time.

Graham is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He can stop it right there.
I would expect Trump to wait to name a nominee until after the election ( my early prediction is Amy Barrett, but I guessed her last time too).
A vacant seat going into the election is a motivator for conservatives to get behind Trump, just like last time.
Win or lose he will name someone afterward.
Kavanaugh got through with 50 votes, so those questionable three might not sink the shop.

I noted a quote from RBG in the article from just before she died- "My most fervent wish is that i I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."

If Trump wins, he just might wait until January.
A vacant seat going into the election is a motivator for conservatives to get behind Trump, just like last time.

That would be the traditional political strategy, however, President Trump is anything but conventional.

Trump knows more about things than I do, but I suspect he'll defer sending up a nominee until after he's reelected.

One has to also consider who wants to be "that guy" or "that girl" whose head will be on the chopping block.

There are only three people who'd be willing to do it, but none of them are that beloved among the pachyderm, political elite.

If Trump wins, he just might wait until January.

If he wins, he'll win bigger than in '16.
He'll send someone up before the lame duck senate session.

I also predict at least a six seat senate gain, along with Trump's MEGA victory in 46 days.

One of my models shows the pachyderm's ending up with 62 seats, and the donkey's with 38.

Tick tock
Yes... she had been hanging on a long time. I had expected her to be stubborn and retire when she was good and ready.
I recall lots of people calling on her to step down so Obama could replace her and she wouldn't have anything to do with it.
She made her own path.
she had been hanging on a long time. I had expected her to be stubborn and retire when she was good and ready.

We can decide many things of our own volition, in our own time.

The day we are called from this earth, no matter what we do, is completely out of our hands.

The older I get, the more I know that many things are beyond our control and influence, especially our final demise.

Some of us set out commit suicide, only to end up in a decades long coma, or paralyzed for the rest of their days.

One thing I can state with 100% confidence, none of us will get out of this life alive.

May all those who have left us today, or will leave before the sunrises tomorrow, rest in peace.

May God have mercy upon their souls, and bring comfort to those who mourn their passing.
We can decide many things of our own volition, in our own time.

The day we are called from this earth, no matter what we do, is completely out of our hands.

The older I get, the more I know that many things are beyond our control and influence, especially our final demise.

Some of us set out commit suicide, only to end up in a decades long coma, or paralyzed for the rest of their days.

One thing I can state with 100% confidence, none of us will get out of this life alive.

May all those who have left us today, or will leave before the sunrises tomorrow, rest in peace.

May God have mercy upon their souls, and bring comfort to those who mourn their passing.
That was lovely AJ....Thank You.

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