Michael Wechsler

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  • Basically he agreed to the prices I gave him on my estamate. And I didn't have him sign it. I useally don't have hard customers. Then as we sat at the table after him saying it was ok he handed me his own contract saying he wanted me to sign it to agree to job getting done in a week. I said ok and I signed. Looking after it when i got home I e-mailed him saying this isn't right. He had wrote a note on the contract saying I'll do all this other work at same price. He didn't return message. I quit job but not after 3 days work for a 200 deposit. I at least should of gotten 1,000.oo
    Who knows the answer-If a contractor give a written estamate to a customer and the the customer takes it and writes up his own using my buisiness name address licence number is that legal?
    I am a licensed painting contractor. I gave a written estimate to someone and he came back to me with a list of items he wanted done on a separate invoice or contract. I don't know what you call it. My question is it illegal for him to take my business name and address and write his contract. I didn' t give him permission to use my business information. it looked like my invoice with my business name and address on top and his address to the left.
    I had an account with adultfriendfinder.I used my credit card and gave my information. When contacting a couple about meeting up, I gave them pictures that were not of me.The picture that I used was one that I took myself and it was not copyrighted.I did not post pictures on my profile.They were sent through the messenger on site. I did use my real name and gave them my real # so we could meet in public.She searched my number n look online n saw who I was on the internet.I said here are my pics in the message and asked if they would like to meet.Is this illegal? She accused me of identity theft and fraud. SHe then messaged me constantly saying if I did not give her real pics of me she was going to go to the FBI and she asked for full nude shots of me as well as my face pic. SHe said I had 30 seconds to give her each one and had to answer all her questions if I did not want to be turned into the FBI. SHe said if I asked who she was, she was going to turn me in.Did I do anything illegal?
    I want to delete my thread immediately and permanently delete my account. How do I do that?
    why are my post always getting deleted!
    Now your "super mod" is sending private emails to people telling them to be careful about taking advice from me or rasks advice. Is this really what you want a "super mod" doing? Libel?
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