Michael Wechsler

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  • my friends ex wife is taking in back to court bc accord to his JOD, she is entitled to a certain % of his overtime, which does not make sense his atty screwed him during the divorce, he has no money to pay bills on time and almost had his electricity shut off, last time in court the hearing officer did not want to listen, do you think he needs to bring in his pay check and proof that he cant pay bills or payts late PLEASE HELP
    My father gave me a bond?/note? from a long, long time ago that was his father's (has his father's name on it).
    It is written in a different language and from a bank in a European country.
    It has a small sum of money and grows at 6% interest.
    My father has no will to say it is his.
    How would one go about getting the money out of Europe to my father's bank account?
    My Ex Boss Continues To Call My Employer And Make False Statements About Me. This Has Been Going On For Over 1 Year. How Can I Make Her Stop. I Have A County Position And It Is Causing Me Problems At Work And At Home. I Am Tired Of Just Ignoring Her.
    In the state of Ca. If an in-law lets a repo man inside my garage in my house to repo my bike without my knowledge, could that be considered a breach of peace? If so what legal rammifications could that cause the lender? myr1is5150@yahoo.com
    Regarding trademark infringement on ebay: I saw this question on a thread from March but haven't seen anything since. I too received a letter from adidas counsel because I bought & sold 3 jerseys on ebay and was told they were counterfeit. The 3 people who bought the jerseys were told by ebay that they were counterfeit and fraud was involved and they should not pay me for them. They had already paid for and received the jerseys and left me wonderful feedback because they do not believe, after seeing the product, that they are fake. I do not want a lawsuit with adidas but I also feel like I am being scammed out of the $350.00 they are asking for. They also want whatever jerseys I have in my possession and the name of the manufacturuer I bought them from. I removed my other jerseys the first time I heard from ebay and contacted this adidas counsel letting them know that. Then I received this letter asking me to do all of this and admit guilt by signing their letter and returning letter with money and jerseys. Something just doesn't seem right about all of this.
    Of course I am scared about a possible lawsuit but I also do not have $350 to send them. That is why I tried working from home. No job! What next? Lay low, as you advised others?
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