Michael Wechsler

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  • Yes I dont know where to post this under but here is the problem I have alot of medical problems and I make a ton of payments monthly to everyone who stuck there head in on me and for the last 2 to 3 months we quit getting our mail and i contacted all the billers and they said they were getting the bills back marked undeliverable but when they read them to me they had the correct address well they have already been turned over now to be prosecuted even with me explaining the problem and when we called the post office they said you will get your mail f rom now on and we told them about the bills and what was going to happen and they seemed to not care is there any recourse for me since the carrier was stamping them even our electric bill was going back undeliverable and we lived here forever and he has been our fill in carrier for 8 years and took full time when regular carrier retired and they said his son has been filling in for him the last 6 weeks do i have any recourse over what is going to be done to me because of them??

    i have never been in trouble and i was just recently bonded out of jail for filing a false report with leo.........what kind of punishment am i looking at.........i reside in florida
    Stupid question, but, my boyfriend and i have broken up, now he wants back items that he purchased for my house, items that he had me get rid of mine to replace with his new ones. are they considered gifts? do i give back all that he bought then i have to go out and buy new to replace what was originally mine? the stuff that he replaced, none was defective, all worked, but they were not brand new.
    Do all court orders cease with emancipation?


    My child dropped out of hight school and the child support office has terminated my payroll withdrawl, does this mean that the other court orders regarding the child "insurance,and percentage of unpaid medical expenses" are also terminated?
    My real question is, the court ordered me to pay 47% of any unpaid and out of pocket expeses for child-providing the custodial parent submitted to me-"at least quarterly" statements. That was so ordered in November, 2001. The custodial parent has never done this, until now June,2008. She mailed me the proper forms and copies of some receipts but not until support was terminated.(?)
    can my husband file for temporary custody without serving me papers or filing for divorce? he told me he has temp. custody, but i was not served anything, just his word
    Hi. My husband and I are in a position that we did not want to find ourselves. We want to gain custody of his daughter for a LOT of reasons. We are on a very tight budget and we need to find the most effective, yet affordable way to go about doing this. I also need to know what we have to do to prepare on our end.
    I moved to Arkansas last fall. I didn't get my license and tags changed yet and wasn't much of a thought with my car being broken down since before I moved from Virginia. I let my insurance cancel because my car didn't run. I finally got parts for it and went and started insurance up on it. The virginia DMV immediately put a suspension on my license the day I insured it. I was told the reason was because they checked to see if I had current insurance with valid tags and I was not insured. I was unaware of this law. They now want me to pay 500.00 fee for no insurance and an 85.00 reinstatement fee before I can get my Arkansas driver's license. Is there anything I can do to get past this? I can't afford that.
    i was bit by adog at someones house i was visiting i tutned my medical bills in to homeowners insurance they offered me a settlement and i refused because i wasnt sure all my bills had come in the insurance man said i was doing the right thing and he was retiring and the next man would contact me and he never did my medical bills were never paid and the insurance company has cancelled their insurance is there anything i can do
    my question is this.If a lawyer puts a levy on your bank account and you contest it and the lawyer fails to respond within the 15 day limit does the lawyer have the write to do this again?
    I'm new to this so am i actually talking to a law professer?
    My husband and I were seperated for a couple of years (not legally) and now he's been in jail for over 5yrs...my friend told me that I could get a divorce for a $1...is this true, I live in PA.
    have a question about web site copywrites. I had a dispute with a school. I filed a complaint with the BBB. In my files I sent was a snippet of the ad that was in question. I did not know that the site was copyrighted. What punishment could I face?
    My ex husband is currently in the military. Our divorce has been filed in Wa state. We have 2 children together. He is currenlty stationed in GA. What is a reasonable request for visitation? Also, I have not signed anythig yet, but the parenting plan states we have to divide plane tickets when he wants to see the kids,what if i cant afford to send them. I dont think thats fair. He has never ever been alone, has never taken care of our 2 girls by himself. they are 2 and 4. He has always had his mom or my mom. whenever he did have them. His mom assaulted me with my kids in arm and now he says his mom will watch the girls when he is at work in his state. I dont know if i feel comfortable. He has anger issues.The girls dont really have an emotional bond with him. They dont want to see him my 41/2 yr old says she doesnt want to go especially because their gramma is there. I dont know what to do. Parenting plan isnt done yet he wants to see them soon. I am not sure what i should do. He has an atttorney and I dont. He pretty much agrees to things so he doesnt have to fly here and go to court. His attorney is here in wa state. help
    I have dual citizenship (American & Romanian), however, my Romanian passport expired and in order to renew it, they need, among other things, a legal formal proof of my change in name (which happened when I got my American citizenship). Where do I go to get this proof?
    My husband went to a board meeting last night and was singled out infront of other employees being told that he had to go and take a drug screen. My husband doesn't do drugs and infact disowned his own brother for six months when he found out he was doing meth. My husband has a health condition that causes him to look unhealthy and loose weight he was worked for the company for 5 or 6 yrs now and has never even signed anything stating that he would have to submited to random drug screens of course this happened last night and now this morning he went and took the drug screen because he has nothing to hide. His boss which happens to be his father had to drive him to the clinic to get this done. Now they are going to let him drive around and work but he is so upset and stressed out that they would single him out like that he is stating to have problems with his condition from the stress. He feels imbarresed and if they are after his job he is also feels very insulted for what they did to him infornt of everyone. Is it really legal what they did. Can they truly get away with this?
    i had this lease with my apartment until august of this year , my apt got a roach problem idont know when it came from the landlord says she never had one roach in tenyears so now she is assuming itcame from my roomate or my self, myroomate and myself are barly home weboth work and keep the place clean , my landlord had an exterminator come to the apt and spraynow shes charging me the exterminator bill, also a few moths ago in a windy day my window blew open and the latch on the side broke off shes charging me for that too, my LL and my roomatedont get along my LL wanted my roomate to leave so she decided to let me break my lease w/ no penalties but then again im not getting any of my security deposit back..i need to know if im entitled to get some or all the money back..please help idont know wat to do..im moving out in july 10
    I have a question for you. Back in December I wrote a check that didnt clear. I have since paid the check through the Bad Check Restitution Program. Now they are telling me I have to pay an additional 160.00 and take this class. If I dont do this they can still submit this to the DA for criminal charges. This is the first time this has ever happened. I dont have the money or time to take this class. Can they really do this? I am confused. How can they still come after you for criminal charges if you have paid the check and its just the classes that you havent taken? I live in California..
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