Q's- 1) They say I owe +/-10k, but my orig paperwork shows <3k - what am I actually liable for? 2) I googled the lawyer & found him in a gen law directory, but no other info. Would that indicate he's a prob a bill coll & not workg 4 the CC comp? 3) Am I req to attend court for this event? & what would I need to bring or be prep'd with? 4) What personal assets; house, car, bank accts, income, ret accts, or pers possessions are subject to levy against? 5) If i rec a judgement against me, would that show on a criminal rec &/or credit rpt? I've never had an issue like this, & due 2 pers. difficulties in 2003, I incurred some financial troubles. I now live in TX & have worked hard to reinstate my financial independ. I realize this is a debt I am resp. for, or at least a portion -since it has been inflated so badly.. but I can't afford the monies they want!! can u help -- lost in texas!!