army judge
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  • Army judge thanks for the note of confidence, I will use all my skills to the best of my ability. Maybe I will even make you proud. The judge presiding is N. Keith Williams of the 216th District court of Kerr county, Kerrville, Tx., the court date is November 1st. Do you want to come and sit as second chair? Just joking but it sure would be nice to have some experience on my side. How is your wifes knee coming along, hope all went well and she is having a speedy recovery. Well I have documents to copy to send to the defendants lawyer so I guess im playing lawyer again. Dang maybe I need a job doing this!!!!
    God Bless You and your Wife
    Thanks again and stay in touch
    Hey Mister thanks for the advice, but you should go back and read my thread cuz I didn't get to put everything until now.
    Still learning to use this forum....but anyways is there a way to go about getting a divorce...if all this tribal jurisdiction stuff turns out to be true...and we are not legally divorced? I am just now getting back on my feet after this whole ordeal....long story...but I am living with my son at the present and my daughter is in college at NSU in Oklahoma. I just want this to be over and not cause any hard feelings with anyone of include him and her.....I don't want to have her arrested if at all possible....just not sure how to file for a divorce now that she has re-married and all. I am limited on funds as to hire a lawyer at the present time. I am going to have my son contact her and see if we can work out something on the back taxes and the finalization of a legal divorce.....what is your advice on how to go about this without an arrest?
    Army judge got a notice of change of hearing date. Can I request prompt resolution of this case. Remember I filed in Oct. of last year, and the defendant requested 2 continuances, as is his legal right. This case is now in district appellate court and Im not wanting to wait another year. Is there any way to force this court date. By the way I read and read and read last night on the site you told me about. Very useable site greatly appreciate the lead.
    Army thanks for the info, it will help me tremendously. Of course this case has already been tried in civil court and my evidence is overwhelming. I will reseach the objection rules you mentioned. As a retired judge I certainly trust and appreciate all your help. Want to drive to Kerrville on Monday and see how it plays out, you are more than welcome. After all we live in one of the most beautiful areas of Texas, the hill country. Photo opportunities are limitless, the fishing is good, the hunting is great and the rest is just fun. Would be pretty neat if you showed up and I suppose you would be my second chair. Ok thats the humor, but again you would always be welcome. I feel like a teenager in high school, I havent done this much research in years.
    Thanks again,
    I'd talk to the examiner about the process.
    This may be your daughter's quickest option for freedom.
    You can still pursue legal remedies.
    But, appeasl take years.
    A parole for a woman in your daughter's frail health could be the quickest option.
    I'd arrange an appointment.
    I'd also speak to the physicians and see if they would write letters saying that she needs to be out to receive proper medical acre and treatment.
    Parole will look very favorably on those medical recommendations.
    The prosecutor seems like he'd write a letter at least not objecting to her early release for medical reasons.
    And, the victim seems a likely candidate to support parole for medical reasons.
    Take the shot.
    It looks to be the best and quickest one she has.
    How is she doing, by the way?
    How does she look?
    What is her mental state?
    You might have a psychiatrist or psychologist examine her.
    Her mental health must be depressed and that isn't good for her medical condition.
    Keep me updated, please.
    i am trying to get real information. and so far you have been the best adviser i have found! I was under the impression my daughter has to be in state jail to get paroled -today i found out from the jail commander that is not true. If this were your child what would you do? I have downloaded and printed out the parole process handbook and am on page 12 of 43 -it says the hearing examiner is the person to reach as this person's opinion weighs more on parole then anyone elses. is this true???
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